Ty laughed. “Probably not to the untrained eye. You’re pretty suave. But then again, that kiss in the pool...That was not a network TV kind of kiss. More like an I’m-about-to-carry you-across-the-threshold-and-strip-off-that-wedding-dress kind of kiss. Which I think is also something you actually said to her, on camera.”

Colt felt both a thrill in thinking about kissing Casey and a flush of embarrassment, knowing how right Ty was. It had been an intimate kiss. Not one meant for public consumption or even in front of the other women at the mansion.

“What’s gotten into you? I mean, are you still planning to wait for marriage? Because that kiss definitely goes more along with the public playboy image.”

Back when they were just fifteen, Ty and Colt had made the commitment to wait for marriage together at a church camp. At the time, it seemed like a mature decision. Something that set the two of them apart from their classmates and gave them an extra thing cementing their friendship. Not that they told anyone else about it. It was just one more thing that bonded them together like their love of the Angels and a night of Texas Hold ‘Em.

Over the years they talked about it less. While it seemed like a mature decision for a fifteen-year-old, in your twenties it seemed childish. I mean, as an adult, why not? Especially when you had your own apartment. No barriers. And the women Colt had dated, however briefly, all seemed gung-ho and ready.

“Yeah. I’m still sticking to it. But I don’t always know why anymore.”

“You know why—because it’s worth it. In this crazy mixed up world where everyone is just doing whatever they want, you have a different center underneath it all. And that center tells you that the very best plan for you is to wait. One woman. With a ring and vows. The whole shebang.”

“A different center? Did you convert to some new age cult?”

“I mean GOD. Is that clearer? Sheesh.”

“Well, this show couldn’t be farther from my center. Though I did make sure to put in the contract that we aren’t doing overnight dates or anything like that. My mom doesn’t know why—and I’m not giving her that ammo—but I think the thought of her son getting busy on TV even crossed her lines.”

“I didn’t know your mom had lines. Okay, sorry, that was a little harsh.”

“Barely, though.”

“But, do you think she would actually use something like that as ammo? Even against you?”

Colt ran a hand through his hair, thinking about his mother and what boundaries she would or wouldn’t push. He was her only son, her golden boy as she used to call him. She continued to talk about the BeaconWood legacy like it was all for him. But when it came down to it, he didn’t feel like she had his best at heart. Just what she thought was best according to her standards. He didn’t know what exactly they were, but he did not think they shared them.

“I don’t know and I don’t want to find out. So far she’s been tame on the show. But I have this sense that it’s going to get ugly.”

“I’m sure. I mean, TV is all about ratings, right? Ratings and spin.”

“And my mother is the Queen of Spin.”

“So was her spin on this Casey girl accurate? She seemed really cold then hot.”

“There are some extenuating circumstances.”

“Do tell. I love extenuating circumstances with my morning coffee.”

Colt spent a few minutes telling Ty about everything from the beginning. The kiss in the bathroom, getting punched by Lucas. The Morse code messages.

“I knew there as a story behind that shiner,” he said. “Would never have expected that. And you really got her doing Morse code messages to you?”

Colt laughed. “She’s not very good yet. But we’re working on it.”

Colt could tell Ty was chewing on his next words. He waited, closing his eyes. He wasn’t sure what he was hoping for, but something that would help him sift through the mix of emotions that were spinning around like a mini tornado in his gut.

“A few thoughts. One—for sure you have physical attraction.”

“In spades. Like nothing else.”

“Which isn’t saying much. Considering your last real kiss was in high school.”

“Hey, now. Maybe I just didn’t kiss and tell.”

“Oh you told me. And I haven’t forgotten. Don’t worry—I won’t tell the press. Which goes back to point one. How do you know it’s more than just physical?”

“It feels like more.”