“Yeah, but the house felt empty. It isn’t home anymore without you two in it.” It’s the first time since she and Kody moved in that they haven’t been home to greet me after an away series, and I finally understand why my teammates are always so antsy when we hit the landing strip in Chicago.

I strap Kody to my chest and take Lainey’s bag so we can head to the valet, where a car is waiting to take us home. I didn’t want the distraction of driving. Once we’re all buckled in and on the freeway heading home, I stretch my arm across the back of the seat so I can play with the end of her braid. “Did you have a good visit with your parents?”

Lainey smiles softly. “It was great to be with them over the holidays. I think we all needed that, but it’s good to be home. I’m more settled when we’re all together.”

I kiss her temple. “I get that. It’s how I feel every time I step through the door after being away—like I’m whole again.”

Once we’re home and Lainey’s suitcase is unpacked, we put Kody down for a nap and I spend the free time showing Lainey how much I missed every single inch of her. She’s stretched out beside me, legs tangled with mine, head on my chest, following the dips and ridges on my stomach.

“This is our first New Year’s Eve together.”

She lifts her head and rests her chin on my pec. “I didn’t even think to plan anything, with the flight home. I guess we’ll be having a quiet night in, huh?”

“Well, actually, I have a proposition for you.” I’m nervous, aware that what I’m about to propose might take some convincing. The team has been doing well this season, and we don’t have a game until the second—which means we can go out tonight, if I can convince her it’s a good idea.

“Oh? What kind of proposition?”

“So Randy thought it would be fun to go out tonight, and Alex has some connections at the Velvet Room, so he rented out one of the private rooms there for a party tonight.”

“What’s the Velvet Room?”

“It’s a bar.” I barrel on, hoping to erase the brief flash of panic on her face. “Most of my teammates are going, and all the girls will be there—Sunny, Poppy, Lily, Violet, and Charlene. Like I said, we’ll have a private room once we’re in there, so it’ll be people you know and not a bunch of random strangers.”

“What about Kody?” Lainey worries her bottom lip.

“I’ve already made arrangements for that. Miller’s offered to have all the kids come over to his place. Kristen’s agreed to help, and Lance and Miller’s nannies are going to hang out and have a little celebration.”

“They’ll have all four of Miller’s kids, Lance’s son, and Kody?”

“And Robbie, Violet and Alex’s son. Don’t worry, they’ve got it covered. It’ll be a fun night for everyone. What do you say?”

Lainey’s fingers go to her mouth. “Will I need to dress up?”

“Yeah, but I’ve already got that covered. I picked up a couple of dresses in your size that you can try on. Vi and the girls have someone coming over to do hair and makeup, and they’ve already reserved you a space.” I check the clock: she’s supposed to be at Sunny’s in a couple of hours if she agrees to go.

“All the girls will be there?”

“Yup, all of them.”

“I’ve never gone out on New Year’s Eve before.”

“No time like the present to try something new, right?” I cross my fingers that it’s something she’s willing to give a shot.

“Okay.” She nods, resolved at first, before she hits me with one of her heart-melting smiles. “We can go out.”



I kiss her—enthusiastically—and it looks like it’s going to turn into a whole lot more until she realizes we’re under time constraints. Parts of me are disappointed, but the rest of me is excited that she’s excited, so I’m willing to delay the gratification.

An hour later Lainey is freshly showered, wearing a loose button-down shirt and jeans, and loaded down with a pile of dresses. I added them to her wardrobe this week with the help of Stevie’s online shopping skills.

I drop her off at Sunny and Miller’s place so she can get her hair and nails done with the girls. Violet greets us at the front door and holds up a hand when I try to come inside with Kody. “Babies and boyfriends are to head around the back. This is an adult-beaver-only zone. We’ll see you in a few hours.” And with that she closes the door in my face.

I drop Kody off around the back of the house where Miller’s brood, Poppy and Lance’s kid, and Violet and Alex’s son are all hanging out with three nannies to support them. I hang out with the guys for an hour, have a beer, then go home and get ready myself.