Lainey peeks inside. “It’s so big.”

I bite back a dirty reply. “Yeah, lots of space, which is nice. Come on, I’ll show you the other rooms.” She follows me down the hall to the next bedroom. I push the door open and flick on the light. “It has a private bath and everything.”

“Oh wow!” She slips past me and beelines it to the bed. Throwing herself on the plaid comforter, she rolls onto her back and spreads her arms out, making her shirt pull up, exposing an inch of smooth skin. “This is amazing.”

I lean against the jamb and cross my arms over my chest, smiling, and bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying things that will embarrass her or me. Such as, Imagine how amazing it would be if you were naked under me. “You want to see the other rooms before you make a decision?”

“I don’t think I need to. This is perfect.” She props herself up on her elbows, stifling a yawn.

“Why don’t I grab you something to sleep in? There should be a brand-new toothbrush in the bathroom—and anything else you might need.”

“Okay. That would be great. Thank you, RJ.”

“It’s no problem.”

She slides off the bed and pads over to the bathroom. I head back to my room, unsurprised that she’ll be sleeping in the room next to mine instead of with me. And if I’m totally honest with myself, I’m actually kind of glad, even if other parts of my body aren’t in agreement. Now that I think about it, it’s nice to get to know someone before jumping into bed with them. Make a connection in more than just the physical sense.

I think that’s probably what I’ve missed the most since I started playing professional hockey. Don’t get me wrong—I had my fair share of fun. And I tried to date a few women, but most of them thought they already knew me, so dates started on uneven footing. When I didn’t match the idea they had of me, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Much like the lie I told her about my job. I should’ve just been straight with her, but then maybe she would look at me differently. I decide I’ll tell her the truth . . . when she’s a little more comfortable around me and the time feels right.

Once I’m in my room, I rearrange my hard-on into a more comfortable position and give it a pat. “Patience, little man. This one will be worth the wait.” I roll my eyes at myself, feeling like an idiot for talking to my dick.

I open my dresser, riffling through my T-shirts until I find a plain white one. I also grab a pair of boxer shorts for her, although I have a feeling they’ll be way too big. She’s still in the bathroom, so I leave the shirt and boxers on the bed and go back downstairs so I can get us each a glass of water, set up the coffee maker for the morning, and turn off all the lights.

By the time I come back upstairs, she’s already changed into my T-shirt. Her back is to me, so I have a moment to observe her. The hem hits her mid-thigh, showing off her lean legs. She bends over and pulls the comforter back, exposing the flannel sheets.

I clear my throat, and she jumps.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I brought you a glass of water.” I cross the room and set it on the nightstand.

“Oh, thank you, that was thoughtful.”

“You have everything you need?” I ask, wishing she weren’t so nervous around me and that our make-out session hadn’t brought with it an awkwardness to our interactions.

“Yup. All set. And thank you for this.” She tugs at the sleeve, which almost reaches her elbow.

My gaze drops and catches on her chest, where her nipples pop against the white fabric. I drag my eyes back up to her face. “No problem.” I have to clear the frog out of my throat. “I’m not sure if you’re an early riser, but the coffee is ready to go, so if you’re up before me, just make yourself at home.”

“Okay.” She takes a tentative step forward and wraps her arms around me. I return the hug but try to keep everything below the waist from making contact with any part of her.

I wait for her to let me go before I slip a single finger under her chin and press a chaste kiss to her minty, soft lips. “Night, Lainey.”

“Night, RJ.”CHAPTER 7



I sleep for almost ten blissful hours. I could probably lie in this bed forever, but it’s after ten, and I can hear RJ downstairs in the kitchen.

I roll out of bed and pad across the floor to the bathroom. Once I get an eyeful of my hair, I decide it would be best to indulge in a shower before I go downstairs, especially since my cabin lacks hot water. While I enjoy the perks of a functioning hot-water tank, I replay that kiss—make-out session—from last night over and over in my head. I wonder if he’ll kiss me like that again before I leave. I hope so.