Page 57 of Cloud Storm

I’ve seen what they contain before.

Of course I have.


Because I wrote them.

Lancelot has printed out all the emails that California Girl sent to King Arthur.

No, this isn’t possible.

This can’t be happening to me.

If I thought I’d been having some bad luck, things just got even worse.

From: California Girl

To: Arthur

Date: October 4, 2019 09:50 am

Subject: What have you done?

What have you done?

This is worse than I imagined.

I no longer know if this is a dirty game or a chain of unfortunate events that strives to intertwine to infinity.

Say something, for God’s sake, say something NOW.

Chapter 14


She comes and goes, always in a hurry, always running, always unattainable.

She’s untouchable, yet can be felt all over.

She’s light radiating from a star in the dark sky.

So beautiful and lonely.


She reminds me of what I want but can’t have.

We may not want to acknowledge it, but all men have the ideal woman etched on their brains. The idea of the girl, who when she comes into your life, will make everything perfect, complete, whole.

California Girl was a mirage, a fantasy, one that could only be accessed in the virtual world.

I’m an idiot, I know that. But at least I’m being honest.

She was perfect, she understood my problems, spoke the same language. It was as if I had the answer to each of my questions, to all my doubts and also to all my fears.

She was perfect, but untouchable.

Elusive like a hummingbird.