I’m glad he appreciates the fact that I’d never put a proposal to him without some in depth research. If you’re going to put your neck on the line with a proposal, then you have to do it thoroughly, not half-heartedly, so despite his mocking tone, I can tell that Oliver likes the idea and I’ve got his full attention.
Good job, Rose!
“Dean is very good at what he does and we’re wasting his talent. He’s very creative with a great imagination, and I think he’s as excited as I am about starting a new project.”
Oliver stares back at me looking serious. “So you’ve already been discussing this with him behind my back?”
Whoops. He seems a bit pissed about this.
“Well, yes, I had to sound him out before approaching you, because it wouldn’t work if he wasn’t interested,” I admit, as I once again have to surreptitiously wipe the sweat from my hands on my gray pants, while the collar of my yellow blouse feels as if it’s strangling me.
“You can relax, Roselynn. The only thing left to do is congratulate you. Not only have you instilled vitally needed order into my office, proving what a good decision it was to hire you, you’ve also shown your worth by bringing this new project to me. I like entrepreneurial people who are a step ahead, so you can go ahead with my full approval. Just don’t neglect the existing accounts, as they still pay our salaries.”
It’s such a relief to hear those words, and very gratifying to know my boss appreciates my efforts, as I’m really trying to repay his faith in me.
“But you can wipe that smile off your face,” he continues. “I’m not going to give you or Dean a raise, the agency is not prepared to go that far.”
Yet! I want to say, but I hold my tongue. This is going to work out, I’m sure of it.
Plus, my salary is fine. However, there is something else I need from him.
“Okay, no worries. But there was one other thing...” I begin.
“I knew there’d be a catch. What do you want? Don’t ask me to take you to dinner because I already have a meeting.” That makes me laugh; it wouldn’t be Oliver if he didn’t make a comment like that.
A meeting. Yeah right. My boss is such a womanizer.
“No, nothing like that,” I assure him.
“Then what?”
“I need help with the publicity strategy and branding for the bakery I’m opening with Ariel.”
“What’s this? Ariel is opening a bakery… with you?”
I can see he’s completely stunned by my words.
“Yes, we’re partners and our budget is very tight. Renting suitable, well located premises, along with buying all the necessary equipment has left us very short on cash.”
“Okay, can you please explain how on earth you got Ariel to accept your help? That woman is one very tough cookie, and she never accepts favors from anyone. Did you have to torture her or something?”
I smile as I recall how it came about.
“No, I caught her when she was completely drunk and not in a fit state to refuse the offer.”
Now he’s laughing so hard I think there are tears running down his cheeks.
“Well, I’m very glad that you work for me. I certainly wouldn’t want you as my enemy, or worse, working for the competition.” He shakes his head. “Come on then, show me the plans you have for your bakery.”
He leans over his desk as I hold out the other folder I brought along with me, a bright purple one this time. I need Ariel’s colorful influence, at least in spirit.
I spend the next half hour discussing the image of the company with Oliver and the ideas I have for publicity. I know we’re only in the early stages, but I need to cover all possibilities and he’s the expert while I’m just the enthusiastic entrepreneur.
“I think you’re heading along the right path, so get Dean to design a catchy logo and get started on creating the campaign’s image. No doubt those little jars you’ve got will need a logo, labels, boxes, menus and the list keeps growing.”
“You’re right, we’ll hopefully be needing those soon.”
“Then what are you waiting for, woman? Get to work, but I want credit for the agency.”