Page 10 of Rainstorm

I had my big guns ready. And no, I was not talking about the size of my dick.

I took a couple steps back, then extended my hand toward her, taking her by surprise.

“Dance with me,” I pleaded, as the music started to play from my phone. I didn’t have the perfect words, I was certainly no poet, but I’d selected the perfect song, and now I was just a guy standing in front of the perfect girl, wanting a chance. The song was one of my favorites, an old country tune that tells the story about the past and the promise of a future. Alan Jackson nailed it with that one.

“What on earth...?” she exclaimed in embarrassment, looking everywhere but at me.

“Dance with me, Roselynn,” I asked again, still proffering my hand.

“Absolutely not, are you crazy? We aren’t in a nightclub, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Come on, just dance with me,” I cajoled, the music flowing around us. Draping us in a mist of expectations, hope and lust.

Our gazes locked, twining in the same way that our bodies were ready to collude.

Some people were already staring in our direction.

“You’re very persistent,” she sighed, her lips turning up in a shy smile I immediately adored.

“You have no idea,” I replied, happy to have her delicate hand in my bigger one.

“Will you leave me alone if I agree to this?”

“I never make promises that I don’t intend to fulfill.”

That statement made her smile, while I curved one arm around her slim waist and pulled her soft curves up against my hard body. At first she was stiff as a pencil, but as the song played she began to relax in my arms.

It was the most amazing feeling. At that moment, I felt like the king of the world. Ready to claim my queen, my mate.

I spun her around—I was not the best dancer, but I had some good moves.

“I feel silly,” she murmured, her eyes on mine. I felt richer than Croesus with that golden gaze fixed on me. “People are staring at us.”

“Forget about them,” I replied, resisting the urge to silence her with a kiss. “Right here, right now, it’s only about you and me.”

Yes, because the entire world around us was fading out.


Like ashes in the wind.

Ashes flying from the fire burning between us. I felt as though I had all the hope and the happiness suddenly in my arms.




From that moment, even though we’d just met, I was certain this incredible woman had been born to change the course of my life.

Her hand, which had been curled in a fist against my chest, was now running up my shoulder to the nape of my neck. I took that as a positive sign and guided the other one to my shoulder as well, hugging her fiercely. Feeling like a motherfucking god when she turned her face into my neck, inhaling me as if she couldn’t get enough.

Easy, baby, this is just the beginning.

We have all our lives ahead of us.

I was silent, enjoying the moment. Making it ours. Unable to talk, because there was so much I had to say, I didn’t know where to start. I wanted to make promises, the kind I was able—and willing—to fulfill. But all those words were stuck in my dry throat.