“I’m not a whore!” I hiss at him. “And human trafficking is a crime.”
It’s well known that human trafficking is the second largest illegal money maker in this city, and no way am I getting involved in that shit.
Oliver bursts out laughing, making everyone turn to look at us.
“I ought to be offended, but I assure you my business is not involved in anything illegal like that,” he chuckles in obvious amusement.
“Whatever,” I respond, preparing to leave, thinking things are just going from bad to worse today.
“Look, I’m not offering you a modeling job—no offense—you’re a beautiful woman but it’s a highly competitive world, and I’m afraid starting out at your age would be pretty impossible.”
“So what exactly is it that you’re proposing?” I frown.
“I need a capable person to organize my office. I did hire a manager, but the girl’s name was Alexa, can you believe it?” He grins then continues. “Alexa, bring me this file. Alexa, I want a coffee. It really wasn’t working so I had to let her go, which is why I’m in urgent need of a new office manager.”
Hmm. Office manager, that sounds doable. And legit. Sounds too good to be true though.
“Okay,” I say cautiously. “But don’t you think this is a little insane, offering me a job when we’ve only just met and you don’t even know me?”
“I’ve learned to trust my instincts and I have a good feeling about you. So, would you be interested in the job? Will you at least think about it?” he asks.
“Your agency isn’t just a cover for one of those escort businesses, is it?” I scowl at him.
Oliver laughs again.
I feel like Alice, falling down the rabbit hole, first landing in Ariel’s place and now bumping into this strange man.
“No, it isn’t. My company is perfectly respectable; I’m on LinkedIn, so feel free to do some investigation if you want. Come into the office and see everything for yourself. Plus, I happen to have a lawyer for a brother, so he keeps me on the straight and narrow.”
“Your brother is a lawyer?” I ask curiously.
“I never told you my last name, did I? I’m Oliver Nichols, Sawyer’s younger brother. Can you tell that our parents loved classical literature?”
I get it, Oliver Twist and Tom Sawyer.
Well, I think I can relax now, at least a little bit.
So, after we talk for half an hour or so, things become more relaxed as we chat about the agency, what the job entails, even about the financial package he’s offering.
“The office can’t get any worse than it already is,” he insists, when I tell him about my lack of experience. “Do you know how to use Excel and Outlook?”
“Of course.” I’m a big fan of spreadsheets, I use them for everything, even my household expenses.
“Then the job is yours!” he proclaims, like he’s just announced the lotto winner.
So it seems that I have myself a job and I will be starting as soon as possible.
Quick work, huh?
Then after a call from the receptionist, we head back to Sawyer’s office.
Frankly, I’m apprehensive about meeting the older Nichols brother. Oliver seems to have been brought up on Red Bull instead of milk, so I can’t even imagine what the rest of his family will be like.
When we arrive, the receptionist informs us that Sawyer is waiting for me. Oliver remains behind in the waiting room talking to her as I head in by myself—I certainly don’t need my new boss sticking his nose into my private business.
Straightening my back, I take a deep breath, smooth my checkered skirt and go in to meet the man who will hopefully agree to be my legal advisor.
To my surprise, Sawyer Nichols turns out to be a very different person than his brother. For a start, he’s blond, slender and has green eyes, plus he’s quiet and only speaks when necessary.