Page 8 of Rainstorm

And trust me, my prolific imagination was already working at full force.

“I recognize that face! I know who she is,” Zephyr announced. I instantly wanted to know everything about her. “She’s the weather girl on that morning show your mother loves so much.”

Ah, there you go, he didn’t really know anything about her other than seeing her on TV. I suddenly regretted not paying attention to anything other than the evening’s news.

Because she was captivating.



She looked like the woman of my wet dreams.

But a TV personality? Go figure!

She continued walking, exposing her back to me, with nothing more than thin straps tied into a perfect bow just above a perky butt covered by tight denim fabric.

She was like a gift, bow and all.

What are men but big boys?

And every boy loves Christmas morning. And the magic wrapped inside that shiny paper adorned with bows.

Ready to discover the surprise beneath them.

Ready to play.

Ready to enjoy.

Ready to own.

See? We are basic creatures.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was sitting in the corner in front of the bar, quietly sipping her drink while she turned those mysterious eyes on me.

I was transported to a fantasyland. Somewhere with wrinkled bedsheets from long bouts of passionate sex, where I could hear her moaning my name from those pouty lips of hers. Sighing in ecstasy. I wanted her beneath me. I wanted her on top of me, riding me hard. I wanted her glorious mane of hair running like silk through my fingers. I wanted her back arched while I pounded inside her from behind.

I wanted it all.

Lust was a powerful weapon.

And at that moment it was filling the space between us.



A wave I was more than eager to conquer.

Our glazes locked and the air left the room. Or maybe it was because she took my breath away. Golden eyes bewitching, flashing light and temptation.

Casting her magic over me.

Tawny. Warm. Hypnotizing. Thousands of sunrays whirling and twining into something mysterious and eternal.

The attraction heating the entire space.
