When I got home, the first thing I thought when I saw her was that I didn’t want to go out, I’d rather tear those clothes off her body with my teeth.
Rose looked so beautiful it hurt.
And I mean physically hurt, the way my body ached for her.
My dick wanted to return to that warm and wet place that was his favorite in the whole world.
Her pussy was calling me by name.
She walked toward me, her sexy hips swaying in the way I loved. Tempting me. Tempting my fingers to reach for the treasure between her legs and forget about the rest of the world.
I was blinded. I couldn’t see anything but her.
Gripping the nape of her neck, I gave her a kiss that left her in no doubt about my intentions.
They were crystal clear.
As clear as the light reflected in those golden eyes that had me bewitched.
I loved everything about this woman.
My tongue searched her lips for more.
More of her flavor.
More of her essence.
More of all of her.
“Holland, as tempting as you are, you promised to take me out and I’m expecting you to keep your word,” she argued, her sweet voice full of fun, of life. “Besides, I didn’t fix us anything for dinner and I’m starving.”
“You don’t have to cook for us. I’m perfectly capable of…”
“Hush.” My words died when her delicate fingers touched my lips still wet from our kiss. “I love being here with you and cooking for us. Even if I’m no good at it.”
“What happened? Mandy didn’t bring you more strudel to work?”
She let out a sound that was half laugh and half growl. “Let’s not talk about that.”
“Okay. Then let’s get out of here.” I smiled as I offered her my arm, so proud to be able to call this beautiful woman mine, as I tucked her up close to me.
I’d made reservations at a restaurant in West Hollywood, and when we arrived the hostess escorted us at a quiet corner table away from the noisy bar, for which I would thank her later by leaving a generous tip. With the conversation we were about to have, I didn’t want to have to yell and raise my voice to get myself heard. Right now, although I was by no means a wimpy man, nerves had me drying my palms twice already on the fabric of my pants.
“So, I have something I need to talk over with you, Rose. This morning I received a call from the company’s board of directors,” I began, feeling strangely relaxed now that I was about to put it out there. I think that without realizing it, I’d already made the decision that I believed was the right one.
“I guess the news was good, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” She smiled at me.
“Well, you could say that. I was offered a twenty percent increase on my annual after-tax salary, plus my position as a project manager would be made official. They also mentioned that in a couple of years, there’d be the possibility of acquiring shares in the company and becoming a partner.”
“Chase, that’s fantastic!” Rose was almost dancing in her chair, her face full of happiness and pride for me. “I’m so freaking proud of you, babe. It’s what you’ve always wanted.”
That’s where you’re wrong, doll, what I’ve always wanted is you.
I cleared my throat before continuing, because the bitter part of that sweet deal was about to come. “Plus, the company would cover my relocation expenses and compensate me for moving.”
At the mention of relocation and moving, Rose’s smile died on her lips.
“Relocation expenses? Where do they want you to go?” she queried, and all I wanted was to soothe those pouty lips with kisses, tell her everything would be fine, that she had no reason to be worried.