We silently glare at each other for a beat, and when she glances at the ladder I’m precariously balanced on above her, I’m pretty sure she’s tempted to give it an ‘accidental’ shove to send me tumbling down. Raising my eyebrows, I dangle the paint pot I have in my hand above her head, indicating where I’ll make damn sure it’ll end up if I go down.
Swallowing her spiteful impulse, Cassandra rolls her eyes as she goes off in search of Joel, leaving me to my painting.
By four, I’ve finished what I consider a decent section of the house for day one, but the rest will have to wait, as other duties call if I’m to put a meal on the table at a reasonable time, as dictated by my new husband.
Rustling up something halfway decent could prove challenging, since I’ve no idea what I’m going to find in the cupboards or the fridge, and there’s no time to go grocery shopping.
After clearing away my decorating tools, ensuring they’re cleaned and prepped ready for the following day, (another tip from my Google buddies) I turn my attention to my next duties.
I’m relieved to discover that despite being summarily dismissed by Joel, Mrs. Cox hasn’t trashed the kitchen, as I feared she might. In fact, she’s left it clean, tidy, and well-stocked, making my task much easier since there’s plenty to choose from.
Pushed for time, as well as exhausted, I go with something quick and simple—beef ribs with barbecue sauce, cornbread, and salad. What Texan guy wouldn’t be happy with that?
I’ve always liked cooking, which was why I took a course in it. My mother only agreed because it kept me from under her feet, although she never allowed me to help out in the kitchen, as it ‘wasn’t my place’ to mix with the hired help. At least my erstwhile hobby is finally proving useful.
I actually enjoy fixing our meal. I put out a bottle of wine as I set the table, Joel would probably prefer beer—a Shiner Bock, of course—but I’m hoping to set the tone for a civilized conversation, and a few glasses of wine might help toward easing the tension between us. We may not have a conventional marriage, but we at least need to find a way to peacefully co-exist. I can’t go on like this, I can’t face another night like last night.
Once I’ve got the meat in the oven and the bread warming, I have a little time to make myself presentable. I set the alarm on my cell phone, then head to take a much-needed shower and tidy myself up. No point in going overboard in an attempt to impress Joel if things are going to be platonic between us. But would it be so wrong to wear something he’d appreciate, to soften him up a little, break the ice between us? Don’t go there, Tara… but it wouldn’t hurt to feel confident about myself, would it?
At least I have a choice of outfits, for which I have my mother to thank, since she always insisted I had to have a decent wardrobe, as befitting my station.
Whatever. Those days are over.
Remembering how Joel always used to prefer me in a dress, I think I hit the right note with my outfit. Nothing over the top, just a simple green strappy sundress, along with a pair of pretty wedge sandals.
As I make my way back down to the kitchen to check on dinner, the front door opens and Joel saunters in, unfortunately followed by a smug-looking Cassandra. However, that smile is quickly wiped from her face as she almost collides with Joel, when he suddenly freezes on the spot once he spies me coming down the stairs. He gawks blatantly, his hungry eyes wandering from the thin shoulder straps of my green sundress, right down to my cute sandals. That he likes what he sees is undeniable.
He doesn’t hide his appreciation and I’m happy to let him look. A knot forms in my throat, the greeting I intended to give him stuck. He stands, slack-jawed, staring at me without saying a word. The magnetic pull between us is still there, as it has been from the first day we met.
The difference now is whether we’re going to act on it.
His eyes linger on my mouth, and involuntarily my tongue slides to my lips, moistening them. In response, his eyes darken further.
His eyes trail down my body once again, undressing me. This is virtual foreplay, we both know that. The carnal passion burning between us could ignite at any second. Right here, right, now, in the hall. In front of her. This entire display arouses me. Knowing that even if he has power over me, I also have it over him.
Joel knows exactly what his perusal is doing to me, warming those sensitive areas that yearn to be touched. By him. Even two feet away, I feel his need as he does mine. That’s how it’s always been between us and how it will always be.
Cassandra has disappeared into the background, superfluous and forgotten. Until she speaks, bursting the bubble.
“Did you finish all the painting, Tara?” she inquires with fake innocence, knowing that’d be physically impossible. I think I did pretty well today, given that I’m working on my own and have zilch experience, but it’s going to take me several more days to get it done, as she well knows.
“Dinner is almost ready,” I announce, ignoring her stupid question while my eyes remain locked with Joel’s.
Then he blinks, breaking the spell.
“Cassandra will be joining us, so I hope you’ve made plenty,” he states. “We’ll be in the office, just holler when it’s ready.”
I want to throw the frying pan I have in my hand at them as they head to the office, but some divine power stops me.
Damn you, Joel, why did you invite her to stick around, when I wanted a shot at starting afresh? My good mood immediately goes down the pan, but as a matter of pride I force myself to finish the salad and accompanying vinaigrette dressing. I refuse to let Cassandra get to me, so I won’t give the bitch the satisfaction of making me feel uncomfortable at my own table.
Fifteen minutes later, with the kitchen table set and food ready to be served, I head to the room that served as my father’s den in times gone by.
Since the door is ajar, I hear them chatting, and can’t resist the opportunity to eavesdrop.
“I’m so happy, Joel,” Cassandra sighs contentedly. “You don’t know how excited I was when I found out.”
“I’m very happy too, Cassie,” Joel says.