Page 18 of Dear Daisy

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Monday

Hey, Lu

Thought I’d better let you know, Winter is coming to pick Scarl up on Monday. Mum’s busy and I’ve got the bloke from the bank coming in. Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the chat. Glad to know she’s getting on better with those spellings! You can hang on to the books you borrowed, btw, no rush to get them back.

Al x

Alex Hill @AlexHillStone

Lovely woman coming to dinner, things are looking up!

Matt Simons @MattyS

Is this black-lipstick-woman?

Alex Hill @AlexHillStone

Ah, yes, turns out I was wrong about that. No black lippy, just v cute.

Matt Simons @MattyS

Aw, my boy’s all grown up now.

RETWEETED by @AlexHillStone


Alex Hill

I’ve rather rashly invited someone for dinner on Monday. I have no idea what to cook, any suggestions? Nothing with fish though — hate fish.

Matt Simons LIKES this.


Matt Simons: Man, I am still laughing. Your heating-up skills are legendary, but your cooking? Not since we were at school.

Alex Hill LIKES this

Alex Hill: It’s never too late to learn though, is it?

Matt Simons: Think the Saturday night before the date might be a bit too late.

Alex Hill: Wish there was a bloody ‘dislike’ button.

Lucy Charlton: What about risotto? Here’s an easy one www.desperatecook/risotto

Alex Hill and 4 people Like this.

A.N. Editor Blog

Profile: Anonymous editor, blogging to keep sane in the crazy book world. Lives in London, male, thirty-two, not looking for pick ups or any more slush pile reading material, thanks, guys. Trying to believe that life is for living, YOLO, carpe diem, and all that crap.