Page 78 of Home to Me

“You might want to add a splash of bourbon,” Karina called after her down the hall. “Or maybe more than a splash. Maybe just make bourbon instead.”

When Sam returned with a tray bearing coffee cups for all of them, she and Karina piled into Lauren's bed along with Lauren and Amanda, and Karina made Lauren sit up.

“Come on, Laur,” Karina said. “I know it feels like the end of the world, but no story seems as tragic when you tell it from a sitting position instead of flat on your back.”

Karina turned to Sam. “Write that down for when I have my advice column.”

Sam just shook her head, but Lauren complied, rising to an upright position and leaning against her headboard.

She took a deep breath to start relating the story. “I...” she began before she collapsed into tears again. Then she tried to continue, her voice hitching. “I...broke...up...with...Ben...last...night...”

“Okay,” Karina said. “That makes sense then. Sue Ann told Ryan this morning that you left upset last night. I would’ve mustered the troops and come quicker, but Ryan didn't think it was important enough to call me about the instant he heard it. He's so not a girl.”

Lauren nodded, wiping tears from her face. “I'm just glad you guys are here at all,” she said miserably.

“So what happened, sweetie?” Amanda asked gently.

“He told me he loved me,” Lauren said, despair tingeing her voice.

The three girls looked at her blankly.

Finally, Sam said, “Context tells me this isn't good news? But I'm confused, because it sounds like good”

Lauren nodded. “I know, right? You would think I would’ve been jumping up and down. Screaming. Celebrating.”

“Doing him...” Karina added.

“Yeah, there were none of those things,” Lauren concluded.

“Why?” Amanda lightly prodded.

Lauren sighed. “I just... It was getting to the point where I didn't recognize who I was around him. I mean, you guys, I found out that his mom is sick, has been almost his whole life. He's been taking care of her and pretty much raising his little sister since he was ten years old. I found myself letting him take care of me as well. Also, I saw him with these girls and he just… It just reminded me of my dad…and I was starting to remind myself of my mom. And I don’t know… It was just all…bad.”

The girls continued to stare at her.

“You are not your mom and he is not your dad,” Sam said with conviction.

“I'm not the kind of person who lets themselves get taken care of by other people! Who would I be if I started depending on that?” Lauren said, tears filling her eyes again.

“Well, you would be a strong woman who was blessed enough to find a good man who takes just as wonderful care of her as she does of him,” Amanda insisted.

Lauren looked up, shocked. This concept was a revelation. She hadn’t thought of it that way.

But that still wasn’t all. “When Ben was signing autographs for these stupid girls in bikinis and he was turning on the charm, and I just... I was...consumed with jealousy. It reminded me of everything I hated about my dad. I don’t think I can handle that.”

“Oh, girl, please!” Karina said. “You think I don't go through that with Ryan? I mean, I know the stuff about your dad you’ll have to work through, but you should do that anyway. And the jealousy? That just comes with dating insanely amazing men.”

Lauren couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You get jealous?”

“Hell yes!” Karina exclaimed. “When Ryan and I go out and perform our joint project music in singer-songwriter clubs... I mean, who do you think likes singer-songwriter music? Do you think it's buff dudes that lust after me that would make Ryan feel jealous? Hell no. That crowd is ninety-eight percent females in their twenties, and they spend the whole time lusting after his perfect, ripped, guitar-playing arms, which look pretty damn amazing in those tight vintage tees—”

“Digressing,” Sam interjected.

“Right. Anyway,” Karina said, shaking her head to bring herself back to the topic. “When we sign autographs and things, do you think they aren't hanging all over him? And, of course, we have a public image, so he has to be sweet and charming to them.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?” asked Lauren, agony choking her voice.

“Ummm, no. It’s not my favorite thing in the world. But, a bit of territorial jealousy is totally natural. I wouldn't worry about that.”