“Your cock.” Her tongue hits the roof of her mouth when she says cock, purposely making it sound liquid. So of course mine hardens, until her meaning finally registers.


She pouts. “Come on, it could be fun!”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Absolutely fucking not.”

She opens her mouth, likely to argue her case, but I put up a hand to stop her. “I don’t give a shit if Alex lets Violet emasculate his dick with costumes. That’s their thing. It’s not going to be ours.”

“But I worked so hard on this.” She holds up what appears to be some kind of cape.

I’ve heard about this—not because I want this kind of information, but because sometimes Charlene shares things she probably shouldn’t with me. Apparently living together gives me extra information privileges. I’d be fine without them, but Charlene is chatty before bed at times.

As I take in the array of cape-like designs, I’ll admit—in my head and never out loud—that she’s been very creative. “Still no.”

She bites her lip, clearly trying to come up with a way to convince me to let her dress up my dick like a fucking superhero. Her eyes light up, and a coy smile appears. “I’ll let you tie me up.”

For half a second I get excited by this prospect, and then I cock a brow. “No you won’t.”

She runs a hand up my chest. “With the yellow satin ribbons.”

As enticing as her offer may seem, I know Charlene. “I’ll get one wrist tied to the bed and you’ll change your mind like last time.” She was so cute, and anxious as hell by the time I freed that one wrist. It took me about thirty seconds to make her come. I also got a sweet blow job as a concession.

“I won’t change my mind this time, I promise.” She parts her legs and pulls me between them.

She really doesn’t want to give up on this, apparently.

“Okay,” I concede. “I get to use the yellow satin ribbons. Then you get to dress up my dick with an edible costume.”

Her brows pull together, and I fight a smile. This is clearly not going the way she expected.

“Do we have a deal?”

She huffs. “What about anal instead?”

I scoff. “Baby, you love me in your ass. If I’m going to let you make a fool out of my dick, I better be getting something phenomenal in return.”

She chews on the inside of her lip and starts slipping buttons free on my shirt. Her knees press against the outside of my legs. “What about anal against the window in the front room?”

I like everything about that idea, except the landscapers are here. Usually the whole point is the illusion of an audience, but I have an issue with that today. “No.”

“No?” She tips her head to the side, regarding me curiously. “Why not? The landscapers are working on the garden right under the window, aren’t they? You love that.”

She hops off the stool before I can stop her and rushes for the front room, stripping off her shirt as she goes. I chase after her, her bra smacking me in the chest and dropping to the floor.

Charlene’s all giggles as she glances over her shoulder and pulls her shorts and panties down, kicking them off.

“You’re not playing fair, firefly.”

“Says the man who likes to make me wait all damn day for an orgasm.” She wiggles her ass and slaps her palms against the glass, causing the landscapers to look up. Which is when the reason I said no becomes obvious.

The company who does my landscaping hired a new kid. He’s in his early to mid-twenties and has full sleeves.

She spins around, wearing an amused smile, and thumbs over her shoulder. “So it’s okay when it’s the Ramsbottoms and their poodle wandering by, or ancient Bob, but this new guy is a problem?”

“You’re not checking him out while I’m fucking you.”

“You think I’m going to check him out?”

“I’ve seen the way you eye my tattoo artist. This kid looks almost the same, except less broody.”

“I was trying to figure out the design on his arm, not check him out.”

“Still no.”

She throws her hands up in air. “Oh come on! Stop being so difficult.”

I laugh and thread my fingers in her hair. “I’m always difficult.” I brush my lips over hers. “I appreciate your creativity, but you already own my balls. You’re not dressing up my dick.”

“I’m trying to be fun, Darren.” She pouts. It’s cute. And she’s obviously already worked up, considering the way she’s rubbing her thighs together.

“Stay right here, and don’t move.”

I go back to the kitchen and grab one of the bar stools. Charlene is exactly where I left her when I return, rolling her pearls over her lips. I give her a dark look as I set the stool down in front of the window and hold out a hand. “Have a seat, Charlene.”