I don’t go crazy on the makeup, but pictures from the games often end up online, so I won’t go out with a naked face, either. While my relationship with Darren got a lot of press and questions when we first started dating—which was unnerving for a lot of reasons—it was difficult to really qualify it since physical contact in public has never been our thing. It kept everyone guessing as to what was going on.

If Darren pulls another PDA like he did this afternoon, that could change things again. So of course I want to look decent if my picture ends up splashed on hockey sites for the bunnies to rip apart.

At six we meet Alex and Violet’s parents in the hotel lobby and head to the arena. It’s a short walk, but it’s clear both Daisy and Skye have been drinking already—and possibly engaging in other activities that are legal in Canada.

The champagne has loosened me up a little, but I’m still nervous about the game. I root around in my purse for one of my mom’s candies. I’m grateful when I find several at the bottom. I pop one in my mouth and sigh as the minty flavor coats my tongue. I know it’s probably the placebo effect, but I immediately feel the tiniest bit better after a couple of sucks.

The stadium is full of blue and white jerseys, so we stick out like sore thumbs with our screaming red and black. Not that any of us gives a flying fuck. Violet figures Toronto would’ve picked Alex up—as a Canadian player—if they’d been on their game and realized what a formidable opponent he was going to be. Even with an injury he plays better than most, though he’s been a lot more cautious recently, and I see that now in a way I wouldn’t have before the conversation with Darren.

We have the kind of seats people want to shank you for. We file down our row, drinks in hand, and settle in while we wait for the teams to be announced. While the girls were in my room I’d almost forgotten about the discomfort between my thighs, but it’s back with a vengeance. Part of it comes from knowing I’m wearing those pretty panties with his name on the ass.

I reach into my purse for another one of my calming candies.

“Are you coming down with something?” Lily asks from my right.

“Huh?” I pop the candy into my mouth and try not to groan out loud as the minty taste coats my tongue for the second time in the past hour.

“Is that a cough drop?”

“No. Why? Do you need one? I might have some.” I don’t want to part with my mom’s candies.

“I’m good. It probably won’t taste great with my beer.” She clinks her can against mine, and we both take a sip.

Yeah, it’s not all that delicious when you combine mint and beer.

A few minutes later, the teams take the ice, first Toronto, then Chicago. The apprehension I’ve been holding on to all day drops from my stomach to settle lower, between my thighs, making the pervasive ache that much worse. It’s going to be a long game.

We all wave as the boys skate past, warming up before they take the bench. Violet’s knee is bouncing, and she chews on her thumbnail.

“You okay?” I ask.

She nods. “Just nervous. I want them to win.”

“Me, too.”

Alex and Darren have their heads together as they take the bench and wait for the ice to be cleaned, Darren’s hand on his shoulder. I lift my pearls to my lips as Darren glances in my direction.

He raises two fingers, the hint of a smile appearing as he taps his lips. I drop the pearls and mirror the movement.

The buzzer sounds, and his smile fades. He puts on his helmet and gloves and takes the ice. The first period isn’t great. Darren passes the puck instead of taking shots, and Alex can’t seem to get it past the net. Toronto steals the puck from Alex more than once, and by the end of the first period, Chicago is down one.

In the second period, Alex narrowly avoids getting slammed into the boards by Cockburn, the same guy who took him out last season and nearly cost him his career.

Darren puts himself in the way and takes the hit for Alex. He and Cockburn crash into the boards, the sound echoing through the arena.

“Fucking Cockburn!” Violet jumps out of her seat and starts yelling at the ref to call the dirty play.

Darren shakes it off, and Toronto takes a penalty, giving Chicago a two-minute power play. They switch out Alex for Randy, and he takes control when the puck drops, barreling down the ice toward the net with Darren on his right. At the last second, Randy passes to Darren who takes the shot, sliding the puck past the net, tying the game.