I could come right now, without even moving, but that would be embarrassing as hell, so I hold her hips to keep her steady, close my eyes to block out the sight and just breathe. Charlene’s fingertips brush along the edge of my jaw, and I have to tell her to stop.

I open my eyes and find hers. “Everything is magnified right now. Give me a few moments.”


Recognizing how much I need her, all the versions of her, even the ones she might not want me to see, makes this experience so much more intense than usual. While I battle my response to being inside her like this, I trace the delicate lines of her body, distracting myself with the way her skin dampens under my touch and her muscles flex and tighten when I hit a sensitive spot. All of it threatens to push me over the edge, despite not having moved at all. I drop a hand between her thighs and draw tight circles, shifting under her just enough to make her come and keep myself balanced on the painful edge.

As soon as the orgasm tips her into bliss, I move to the edge of the couch, wrap her legs around my waist and pull her close until our chests meet. I rock her over me, the ache in my balls bitingly vicious as it expands, shooting down my legs and forcing its way up my spine.

“Ah, fuck.” I press my face into her neck, sucking on the skin, nipping my way up to her mouth. I kiss her, fighting to stay gentle, but need takes over and our teeth clash. I pull back, and Charlene’s nails bite into the back of my neck.

Her eyes are soft but her words are not. “You gave, now take.”

I hold her hips, lift and lower, over and over, faster, harder until I come—the whole world a wash of white and stars, the fusion of pleasure and pain so violent I nearly black out.

Charlene runs her fingers through my hair, the rhythmic action soothing. Eventually I lift my head from the crook of her neck.

“Hi.” Her voice is hoarse.


“Feel better?”

“Mmm.” I kiss her tenderly. She’ll need lip balm for days after this. I make a note to do some research and have some sent to her while I’m away. “You?”

“Mmm. Better times four, I think.”

“I would like to spend the night, if that’s all right with you.”

Her eyes flare with surprise, and her smile makes my chest tight.

“That’s all right with me.”Charlene’s bed is a double, so it means we spoon most of the night. My sleep might not have been the greatest, but the night was excellent, so I consider it a fair trade.

We sleep in late and have lazy morning sex. I’d like to spend the entire day with her, but apparently she has yoga with the girls this afternoon. We shower together, which turns into another round of sex, the slippery kind. Afterward, I watch her get dressed. She wears black yoga pants and a sports tank, her long auburn hair pulled into a ponytail. Like last night, her face is makeup free. She’s always stunning, but I’ve decided I like her best like this. I want her without the mask.

I fold a hand behind my head as she slips on pair of flip flops. “What are your plans after yoga?”

“We usually go out for shakes afterwards. Would you like me to cancel?”

The answer to that is yes. I would very much like her to cancel, but I’m also aware it might be pushing Charlene too much, too quickly.

“I don’t want to interfere with your plans. We fly out early tomorrow, so it’s best if I get ready this afternoon and get a good night’s sleep.” I don’t like that the first two playoff games of the series are away, but there’s nothing we can do about it, other than come in prepared.

I throw the covers off and swing my feet over the edge of the bed. Crooking a finger I beckon her over. When she reaches me, I pull her between my legs and run my hands down her arms. Even with all the fabric in the way, she shivers.

“I’d like to speak with you tonight, if that’s all right.”

“Speak with me? About what?”

A furrow creases her brow, so I smooth it out with my thumbs.

“To find out how your day was. To hear your voice.”

“Oh.” The furrow returns.

“Is that okay?”

“Of course it’s okay.”

“Great.” I take her face between my palms and kiss her until she has to push away and rush out the door for fear of being late.

I flop back down on the mattress. I could upgrade it for her. Get her something better and bigger, but I don’t want to make her place more comfortable.

I meet up with Alex for an afternoon workout since I have nothing else to do and then head home. As I pack a bag for tomorrow’s flight, I check my messages and frown when I note a voicemail from my grandparents. My good mood is dunked in a bucket of shit when I find out my parents are supposed to be in town this week for some kind of conference. I never hear from them directly. Technically I don’t consider them my parents at all since my grandparents officially adopted me when I was four. At least I won’t be in Chicago at the same time they are, so that’s a relief.