“That’s what Enzo said.” I pointed in the direction of Hannah and her pack. “I was sitting with some people I met, and Aidan showed up. Then Enzo, now you.”
“Aidan owns the club,” Jenson said like that explained all three of the alphas I was trying to get away from showing up.
“You were sitting with Sebastian’s pack?” Enzo asked. His question sounded more aggressive than I associated with Enzo so I couldn’t find the words to agree, feeling like I’d somehow disappointed him. It wasn’t like I chose to sit with Sebastian—or his pack. I’d made a friend with Hannah.
I managed a nod. I scented the frustration and jealousy on Enzo as he looked in the direction of Hannah’s table. Without thinking, I reached up and touched the side of Enzo’s cheek with my hand, drawing his attention back to me. I wasn’t sure why I did it, but it seemed to work in changing the anger to calm within Enzo, and in return, stopping my own mood from plummeting. I ignored the thought that if I’d gone to the Omega Compound I would’ve known why I did what I did and why it worked. Instead, I continued staring at Enzo, caressing his cheek and pretending it was only us.
Jenson finally spoke up, forcing me to break away from my Enzo-trance.
“Enzo, it’s time for you to get on the stage.” Neither alpha acknowledged how shocked I was to learn Enzo was in the band. I felt like I’d known, but also like the information was new? And after a long pause, where Enzo and Jenson had some sort of silent conversation with their eyes, Enzo brushed his lips along my cheek and disappeared.
I gently touched the spot where Enzo kissed, wanting to feel the warmth just a little bit longer.
“C’mon,” Jenson said, guiding me toward Hannah’s table. “I see Aidan.”
Being near Jenson was different than the other alphas. He had an inner working of my academic knowledge and that somehow left me more vulnerable than I expected. Like I was always in a state of having to prove myself. My inner omega loved Jen’s intelligence, always wanting to push him to react emotionally.
Jenson was the reason I pulled away from Enzo last week. His growl had brought me back to the present, but was it a disgusted growl or an interested growl? Usually, I would’ve considered myself pretty good at interpreting alpha grunts and growls, but I had been so focused on Enzo—and Aidan—that Jenson’s sound had barely registered. My inner omega just knew I had to stop. Jenson had wanted me to stop.
Did that mean he didn’t want me? I knew Aidan and Enzo found me attractive, but did they just want to fuck me, or did they want me as their mate? And why did I even care if I wasn’t willing to bond with them?
When we reached the table, the look in Aidan’s eyes told me he very much liked seeing me approach with Jenson. He looked between us before standing up and buttoning his suit like he was about to go to a business meeting.
“Where are you going?” I whimpered.
“Aidan has to do some work in his office while we’re here, but I can sit with you, if you don’t mind,” Jenson said.
I glanced over my shoulder, shocked to see Jenson looking unsure of himself.
His hands were tucked into his front pants pockets, arms locked and shoulders high, as if he was shy now that he didn’t have a reason to touch me. I was so distracted by Jenson’s appearance, I forgot to answer. “I think it’ll make Enzo feel better to know I’m near you.”
“You’re always welcome to sit with me, Jen,” I said honestly. Maybe too honestly, but I couldn’t stand the thought of my alphas hurt or worried. I was rewarded with a soft look and Jenson taking a small step closer to my body like I had finally given him the permission he needed.
“You’ll say goodbye, right?” I asked Aidan.
A softness appeared in his eyes, making me wonder what he was thinking. Aidan ran his fingers along the waistband of my skirt, forcing me to hold my breath, as if scared moving would draw his attention lower. I didn’t know whether or not to be disappointed because he didn’t linger before ducking his head, placing a quick kiss on my lips, and escaping in the direction I assumed his office was in. I stared after Aidan, lips slightly apart, wishing for another kiss and wishing he hadn’t kissed me at all if he wasn’t going to give me more.
This last week, I had tried convincing myself my memories were glorifying the actions and words from this pack. That I mistook kindness, and sexual tension, and turned it into some great romance in my mind. That when I did see the alphas again, they would have moved on from their interest in me after I made myself unavailable, and I would’ve been the only one heartbroken. But I was quickly realizing I hadn’t imagined their interest in me. It was more than just heat in their gazes when they looked at me, more than slight touches and possessive gestures.
“Take a sip of your drink,” Jenson whispered in my ear. “You look parched.”
I unglued my eyes from the direction Aidan went and stared at Jenson, raising my drink and taking a sip. He gave me a smirk that said he knew exactly what I was thinking. Turning away from that look, I sat at Hannah’s table.
Everyone shifted seats so we could fit. Jenson was last, then me, Hannah, Jackson, Han, Zeke, and Sebastian on the other end. I would’ve sworn Jackson was one sudden movement from switching positions with Hannah. I didn’t need to scent the alpha to know he didn’t trust me and was weary of another alpha at his table. It just proved the power an omega had over a protective alpha. Jackson might’ve wanted to bare his teeth at me and make me disappear, but he’d settle for overattentively guarding Hannah if it made her happy to have friends.
“So how little do you know Jenson?” Hannah asked, throwing my previous words back at me.
I blushed but was luckily saved from answering—or lying—when the band suddenly started playing. No introductions, just the stopping of the current song and the beginning of a beautiful, deep voice.
Chapter Sixteen
Enzo played guitar. Or bass. I wasn’t really sure what the difference was or how to tell them apart, but I knew the instrument in Enzo’s hands looked like a guitar with an extra-long … handle. I also knew I hadn’t taken my eyes off Enzo for the entire time he played.
Watching Enzo with his head bowed, sitting on a stool with one knee propped up, while sitting close enough to Jen I could inhale his scent with every breath, was doing funny things to my body. I sipped on my third drink, or was it my fourth, while listening, my body leaning more and more on Jen the longer Enzo’s band played. And if my inner omega wasn’t missing Aidan, I could have relaxed perfectly.
An hour, and several songs later, Enzo’s band finally finished. Hannah clapped her hands with the rest of us but quickly grabbed a hold of my arm and half-pushed, half-dragged me from the booth. She dragged me toward the rapidly approaching stage, her intent becoming clear.
“No way,” I said, basically yelling at Hannah over the noise of people leaving and the background music coming back on.