“But?” Siasia waited for her friend to tell her all the reasons he wasn’t worth a damn.
Sighing, Ally’s shoulders slouched. She wanted the best for her friend and believed she could achieve happiness. Where the issues and caution came in was when Siasia thought happiness came unrealistically. Qamar was out of her friend’s league. He came from a well-to-do family and seemed to only fuck with girls from similar backgrounds. Siasia didn’t fit that aesthetic. “Just be careful. That nigga got a baby and one on the way.”
“What that got to do with me, though?”
“Um, you keep running every time he calls.”
Siasia cocked her head to the side. “You mean I’m treating him like a paying customer?”
“When was the last time you had a paying customer? Since he showed you some interest, you’ve slacked off with that.”
“Bitch it’s been a few days. Can I let my pussy breath?” Siasia couldn’t believe what her friend was accusing her of.
Did she think about Qamar every minute of every day since she’d left him in that parking garage? Yes, but Ally didn’t know that because she’d kept it to herself. Saying it out loud made her feel stupid, and her life was stupid enough; she didn’t need to add anymore.
Siasia wasn’t a ditzy little girl dreaming of fairytales and being saved by some rich man. It was quite the opposite because she knew a girl like her would never ride off into the sunset with a boy like Qamar. That didn’t mean she shouldn’t have her fun, though.
“I know you’re only looking out for me and I appreciate that, but I was doing this long before I even knew you. I got this, Ally.”
“If you say so. Just know I will tell you I told you so when the time comes,” Ally said lackadaisically.
“That time will never come. I’m willing to bet on that.” Siasia handed a neat pile of money to her. “Can you take this to Brian? I need to go change so I can meet Qamar outside.”
“I guess.” Ally rolled her eyes. “I can’t wait to hear all about your night. I want every damn detail.”
Siasia snickered. “Bitch, bye.”
Ally laughed as she stood to walk out the dressing room door. She’d heard all about Qamar and how his charm slid the panties off anything walking. She knew it wouldn’t take all that for Siasia since she was always on a mission.
Siasia shook her head while watching her friend leave the room. Ally meant well but often came off a little too judgmental for her. Still, she wouldn’t hold it against her because if she was being honest, she did have a sliver of hope that Qamar could be more than a customer. There was something about him that made her mind explore endless possibilities. Then, there was him being a father to multiple kids.
Get out your head, she thought.
Siasia believed she needed to shake out of the doomful pit Ally had her in. He was just a boy and she was a girl. The attraction was clear but that was where it all started and ended. She’d never overthought situations before so there was no reason for her to start. She was a bad bitch, and bad bitches got approached by men all the time—no need to make it more than what it was.
Once Siasia was freshened up and she was out of her work outfit, she slipped into her sweatsuit, grabbed her things, and made her way out the club. As she passed some of her regulars, she spoke and smiled but didn’t stop to chat. She was on a mission to see Qamar.
“You gone already?” Brian asked, standing at the door talking to one of his bouncers.
Siasia nodded. “Mhm. Ally gave that to you?”
“You know she did. That girl is loyal to the soil. Oh yea, one of my partners was looking for a photographer to shoot his girl’s headshots for real estate. I gave him your number. Hope that’s cool.”
“You know it is. I appreciate that, Brian.” Siasia gave him a side hug.
Brian wasn’t your typical sleezy club owner. He was kind and respectful. He never tripped on them not working nor did he require them to do anything they weren’t comfortable doing. She appreciated him for that.
He hugged her back. “It ain’t nothing. Be safe, tonight.”
Her head bounced in acknowledgment.
Siasia slowed her stride and her heart skipped a beat as she spotted Qamar leaning against his car, a striking figure reminiscent of that unforgettable first night they met. This time, his locs were gathered into a messy bun, giving him a carefree charm that only amplified his allure. His eyes were low and red, hinting at a night spent in deep thought or perhaps a little too much fun. He was dressed down in designer sweats that hugged his frame just right, exuding an effortless sex appeal that screamed big dick and long money.
As she approached, the diamond chain around his neck caught the light, sparkling like it was made from the stars themselves—definitely worth more than every car in the parking lot combined. When he smiled, revealing his diamond bottom grill, Siasia felt a rush of heat flood her cheeks. She pushed her tongue into her cheek, trying to suppress the wave of desire that threatened to overwhelm her. As she got closer, he smiled, showing off his diamond bottom grill. Siasia pushed her tongued into her cheek to calm herself from getting turned on.
“How you look even better in sweatpants?” Qamar flirted without having to try hard. Charming the ladies came easy to him. Probably because he was raised by girls and the men in his life were real life lover boys. They stayed on him when it came to having respect for women.
“Don’t try to gas me up,” she shot back, though her blush betrayed her.