Page 36 of Beyond The Stars

“Where, Jaci and the twins?” he asked about Luna and Javen’s kids.

Over the last eight years, they added fraternal twins to their family. Jaci was six like Apollo since they were all born in the same year which included Tiny and Maverick’s son, Monday. The twins, Halo and Javen Jr. were a year younger at five.

“They upstairs with Little Lunar. Gone up there,” Tiny told him before he ran off.

“Let me go get on their nerves too.” Aku snickered while grabbing Adrian Jr, whom they’d nicknamed Frenchy for short, from her mama so they could have adult time.

“Thank you, baby.” Solar kissed her on the forehead. “Bring him back if he starts doing too much.”

“He know I’ll pop them legs.” Aku took off, seeing her mama about to swing on her.

“You better not hit my baby.”

“Leave her alone,” French came to her defense. “Let me see that baby.” He held his hands out to Janay.

“Damn, at least speak to the girl.” Solar grilled him.

Janay smiled. Solar and Ms. Stephanie were her favorite because they made everyone show respect to her and be nice.

French looked Solar upside her head. “Mind your business.”

“So you ain’t my business?”

His bright skin blushed. “I am,” he said before kissing her.

“Eww.” Luna fake gaged.

“Where your ugly ass husband at anyway?” Solar inquired, looking around the house.

“French your business, not Javen.”

“Shit, he been my brother.”

As if he heard his name, Javen walked in with Maverick following. “I thought I heard your loud ass.” He dapped French up.

Maverick grabbed Tiny to sit her on his lap as he sat on the huge sectional that was big enough for the whole family to sit on. Kissing all over her face, he whispered, “I love you,” in her ear.

“Get a room.” Qamar twisted his face.

“I think it’s cute. I can’t wait to experience that kind of love,” Janay swooned at them.

“I’m trying to see who she look like,” French examined Belinay.

“Do it matter?” Qamar asked with a blank expression on his face.

The room grew quiet with everyone looking between Qamar and Janay, who started to chew on her thumb. There was something they weren’t saying but like most things, it wasn’t their business until Qamar filled them in. No matter how tough it was to allow him to make his own decisions, they had to let him do it. Instead of addressing it, they all just sat around talking about nothing in particular and passing the baby around until she and her mama got tired and retreated to one of the guest rooms on the main floor. After a week at home with her family, she decided to stay at Tiny’s for Qamar to be close to their daughter. He had been so hands-on and attentive. When she was tired, he let Janay sleep. His teachers had agreed to allow him to turn in work from home until Janay’s six weeks were up. Being the school’s star player came with many perks that he wouldn’t take for granted.

Frustratedly, Qamar huffed when Siasia didn’t answer his fifth call of the day. Ever since the night at the park, he hadn’t heard from her—fourteen days since he’d heard from her. If it wasn’t for Noodle calling Esmeray, he wouldn’t know if she was dead or alive. He missed her though, and just wanted to hear her voice. After getting Belinay and Esmeray situated for the night, he decided to sit out in the backyard and try her once last time before he called it a night himself but like earlier, his call went unanswered. Exhausted, he played with his beard.

“Baby boy,” French announced himself as he took a seat beside Qamar. “You look stressed. Talk to me.”

“I’m good.”

“Two kids different from one, huh?”

“Man.” Qamar laughed. “I should’ve thought this shit through. Two kids with two different mamas… I’m a walking statistic.”

“I’m with you when you right. How you been doing though? Janay giving you hell?” French pulled a blunt form behind his ear to spark up. After puffing a few times, he passed it to Qamar who accepted it without hesitation.