Page 3 of Beyond The Stars

“My bad… I ain’t mean to call her a bitch. Know how you get, with your sensitive ass.”

A light laugh floated from his mouth. “You wouldn’t want a nigga calling your mama that would you?”

“Shit, I would fuckin’ agree.” Drake cackled loudly.

Once upon a time, Qamar might’ve felt the same ill feelings towards the woman that gave birth to him. Now, he loved Stephanie with his heart. She made mistakes just like the next person, and he decided to forgive her for them. It didn’t matter where they started but where they were, and Stephanie was in his corner backing him up a hundred percent.

With his light brown eyes still trained on ol’girl with her friends, he shook his head. “You wild, nigga.”

Socially, Qamar liked to stay to himself. He kept his business to himself, that included his family. Since his family had made it big and afforded him an elite lifestyle, he learned to not trust anyone outside of them. It took him some time, but after being stabbed in the back one time too many, he caught on.

“Why won’t you go talk to her?” Drake asked. His eyes locked in on her round backside that hung out of the denim shorts she wore. It was cold as hell outside but based on her outfit, you’d think it was a hundred degrees.

Ol’girl tried to balance it out by wearing pink leather boots that went to her thighs and a cropped green sweater that sat seductively under her full boobs. Any wrong movement and they’d spill out. Placing the beer to his lips, he gulped down all that was left. Finally, her eyes connected with his, filing him with a feeling of familiarity. His heart skipped a few beats before regulating back to normal when her gaze returned to her friends.

“Who is she?” Qamar asked, having never seen the girl around campus before.

Lynn Beach University was a huge campus so it wasn’t out of the ordinary to not know everyone that attended. However, the parties were usually filled with the same set of people.

“She’s a lady of the night.” Drake leaned back in his seat, satisfied that he not only knew someone Qamar didn’t but also because of what he knew.

“Huh?” Qamar was confused and didn’t know if he could take his partner seriously.

Drake was always on joke time, and Qamar understood that. Unlike him, his young friend didn’t have any children he had to grow up for. Drake also didn’t have the childhood Qamar had. It kept their opinions on opposite sides at times, which caused them to bump heads from time to time.

“You gotta pay to play… I know that ain’t your thing because hoes throw pussy at you daily but not that one. Her sexy ass asks for the money first. Ain’t no leaving it on the dresser at the end.”

Just as Drake was running ol’girl’s credentials down, play by play, one of the school’s star baseball players approached her. With a smile on her face, she shook her head no. That didn’t seem to move the jock because he continued to push up on her.

Qamar was on his feet before he could stop himself. His movements prompted Drake to rise as well. It was known that you protect the star on the team at all times. Qamar was the top collegiate soccer player in the nation.

“Five thousand,” Qamar whispered in her ear once he was close enough to do so. He didn’t care about Brenden standing there still trying to shoot his shot. “Meet me on the top floor of the garage.”

She nodded before he was gone.

Qamar moved through the party effortlessly with everyone parting as if he was some kind of god. To them, he was the only god on campus. The girls craved to be another one of his baby mamas while the men wanted to be him—the latter he was willing to relinquish.

“The fuck was that, Q?” Drake was right behind him with his hands in the air. “Where the fuck you going?”

“Go enjoy the party, Drake.”

A Cheshire grin spread across Drake’s dark skin. “Oh, you paid to play. My nigga!” He tried to dap Qamar up but was left hanging.

Qamar was never one to explain anything to anyone and the fact was… he had no idea why he did what he’d just done. He couldn’t give an explanation if he wanted to. Instead, he was on his way to the athlete’s parking garage.


Ignoring Brenden, Siasia turned to her friend. “I’m out,” she declared, not caring about her unwanted guest.

Ally smirked. “I bet you are.” She reached in to hug her girl.

Ally and Siasia both worked at the club together. Where Ally was working to have extra money as a broke college kid, Siasia was working to pay for classes and to take care of herself. Their worlds were very different from one another but they loved each other more than anything. Ally was in college off scholarships and Siasia was barely in college. She had yet to go to school for consecutive semesters and at twenty, she was barely a freshman.

“Hmph.” Champ, Ally’s friend crossed her arms over her chest. “You know he has a girlfriend, right?”

“I didn’t know it then, and I still don’t know it. It’s like you never said it,” Siasia sneered.

She wasn’t a fan of Ally’s friend but tolerated her because she never wanted to make her girl have to choose between her friend groups. She couldn’t promise that she didn’t have an ass whooping waiting in the cut, for the one-time Champ really got beside herself.