I frowned. “Is that so?” My tone was airy.
She squinted at me with her mouth open. “I’m trying to help you.”
“Leave her alone, Rose, and lay off the drinks,” Janus hissed.
I took a sparkling water from a hostess and could pat myself on the back at how smooth and unaffected I managed it.
Rose let out a noisy laughter. “You play it cool. I like that. You know, I’ve been there with Morgan when he cheats. I bet Rocco told you they broke up. But then you see them pawing all over each other tonight.”
I took a sip of water and glanced around the room.
Rose touched my arm to regain my attention and smirked. “Chin up, beautiful. Rocco’s a striking, virile man. It’s better to adjust now to the mistresses. Trust me, it’ll save you the embarrassment. He just needs to work Marjorie out of his system. Let him fuck her a few more times and introduce her to his friends. She’ll parasite onto the next man.” She drained her glass.
“Damn it, Rose. Find some tact,” Janus snapped.
Rose scoffed. “No. I’m giving her sisterly advice so she can survive this wasteland. You’re soon to be the wife, the top of the food chain.”
Rose peered at me, perched on her seat waiting for me to respond to her, but I didn’t.
I lifted my chin and took a sip of my water. Will Rocco fuck her? The thought of him touching her brought on a wave of nausea. But he’d been forced to break up. I’m the one that came between them. Would I have been happier if he had shared more about his feelings? Yes. But I was here and I wasn’t defeated.
Rose’s gaze narrowed on me and she huffed and climbed to her feet. “Fine. Ignore me. I was only trying to be supportive.”
I met her eyes, but didn’t say a word. She didn’t care about my feelings, but wanted to stir the pot. Whatever I did feel, I would never share it with Rose Steele.
She shifted her attention to Janus. “And Janus?”
He scowled at her. “I don’t want to talk to you either, Rose.”
“Your scene had me coming without my vibrator. Call me.” She stood and stumbled away.
“Rose never knows when to shut up,” Janus said, glaring after her. “In her own miserable way, she meant well.”
I smirked. Sure, she did. She wanted to light me up and watch me burn. Rocco hadn’t returned from the screening and Marjorie hadn’t appeared either. They could be together and it did bother me. Still, I wouldn’t make a fool out of myself like Rose by spilling all my personal drama, drinking and making a scene. I’d learned long ago to shield my feelings.
“You handled Rose like a pro,” he said and laughed. “I don’t think I ever found her so thirsty. Good going.”
Beyonce’s “Break My Soul” came on, and my heart lifted. Every time I heard the song, it motivated me to stay strong. I swayed in my seat.
“You want to dance?” he asked, standing with his hand out. “Let’s dance.”
My eyes shifted around. No Isla. However, I did see Zane. Why not?
We went to the dance floor. I swayed my hips and arms in rhythm with the music. Janus matched my dance moves, gliding and twisting to the beat. And for the first time tonight, I was having fun. We looked at each other as the song came to an end. Why not keep dancing? The music was good, and we danced through a couple more songs.
To my surprise, Morgan Steele approached us. My heart rose, thinking Rocco might have come too, but then pain burned my chest when I realized he wasn’t with him. I wasn’t hard to miss in this dress, so if he’d really wanted to find me, he would have. And I couldn’t deal with that. Perhaps Rose had given me the advice I needed to hear after all. I will just be at the top of the food chain. The one he keeps, if only for the façade of being married.
“Can I dance with you next, beautiful?” Morgan said, his eyes running down my body and stopping at my breasts. I thought about the mistresses Rose had told me about. Isn’t he Rocco’s friend?
I stiffened.
“No, we’re busy,” Janus told him.
I nodded in agreement.
Morgan eyed him coolly but walked away.
“He’s on a high from the movie,” Janus said. “He’s also known as all hands.”