“There’s nothing we can do. We’re on a path. It must play out.” Mama sounded like Mr. Marini. “I’ll update my parents, you don’t need to call them.”
I snorted. “Why bother? They lied.”
“They did what was best for all of us. I don’t want people treating me differently. It took years to get back into society. You need to forget about your father. Let it go.”
She was telling me what she never could do.
“We’re going out tonight, so I must go. I’ll see you hopefully next week. Okay. Bye. I love you. Bye.” She spoke in a rapid stream of words.
“I love you, too, Mama,” I got most of it out before the call disconnected. I glanced at my laptop and considered looking him up, but stopped myself. If I see him, it will become real. I wasn’t ready for it to be.
Mama seemed fine about his release.
So why don’t I feel relieved?
Tonight was the premiere showing with a screening of the film and a panel discussion afterward. I had to get ready. Isla unzipped the dress bag on the garment rack. There were four to choose from, but the final one she’d brought out was the showstopper—an Atelier Versace black sheer mesh cut fitted backless gown. The stiletto sandals were a stylish patent leather that added more to my height. It fit my curves and had a very low back. My skin heated as she showed me how to put on the strapless lifts that were to be my bra. “What if my breasts fall out?”
“I promise they won’t.” She stood back, beaming. “You look like a star.”
She next showed me how to angle my body before the mirror on the red carpet. It seemed like a lot of work to spend a few hours at a show, but it was for the media and press. I’d watched enough bad moments online to know I didn’t want to be one of them. Rocco wasn’t a superstar, but he had celebrity status, and I had to be conscious of it. I never had a reason to look myself up online and never considered making it a habit.
Our wedding was soon. A nervousness went through me along with a bunch of worries, but I put them away. Tonight was for Rocco, and I wanted to be there for him as he’d been there for me. He spent every day with me and gone out of his way to make me happy. While I’d resisted at first, I’d warmed to his presence in my life—it was impossible not to.
Isla added accessories, earrings, a necklace, and wedge sandals. She made up my face to appear sun-kissed to complete the posh bohemian look. I had to laugh when I checked myself out. If my fourteen-year-old self could see me now….
Isla was about to leave when I touched her arm. “Can I ask you something?”
She grinned. “Of course.”
I lifted my brows. “What am I supposed to do there?”
She hesitated, but then said, “Well…usually do press, you’ll watch the movie, more press, and after that is the party. Be careful there.”
My brows rose. “What do you mean?”
She hid her eyes. “Not all of them are Rocco’s friends. His ex, Marjorie, will be there, and they recently broke up. I’m just telling you so you can prepare yourself.”
I fidgeted. Were they in love? I wanted to ask, but was scared to hear the answer.
Her hand clasped over mine. “Please don’t tell him I mentioned that. He will try to be there for you, but people can be flaky sometimes. Never take anyone at the party seriously, and don’t take anything offered from anyone. Okay?”
It was what I needed to hear, and I was grateful she was so candid. “Thank you, Isla.”
She and the stylist added some finishing touches, and we all left the room. Out front was a new beefy bodyguard who Isla introduced as Zane. “Nice to meet you.”
“Zane will be near you at all times,” Isla added.
He held the door open to the limousine and we climbed in. I was excited seeing all the limos lined up to leave the hotel. I instantly thought of Cassidy and the many times she’d attended similar events with her parents. I took out my phone and sent her a text.
Adelina: I’m at Cannes for a movie premiere.
Cassidy: Get out! I should’ve gone. What movie?
Adelina: The Age of Sin.
Cassidy: Lots of buzz about it. It’s a must-watch for me.
Adelina: Rocco’s one of the producers on the film.