“We’ll end the evening with a light show to celebrate before you leave for your honeymoon,” he said. “Have you decided where that will be?”

I glanced at Rocco.

“Maldives,” he announced.

I gave them both a small smile, but inside I was jumping around. Wow.

Rocco’s smile wilted and my stomach knotted.

“Perfect choice,” Will said cheerfully. He motioned us to follow him to the bistro on site.

“The chef’s preparing a sample plate of your planned meal. You are welcome to walk around and explore the castle. We have also set up the medical team with Yarwood Springs so that Mr. Jacob Belfiore can attend.”

My jaw dropped open. “Jacob? My brother is coming to the wedding?”

I turned to Rocco, and he cleared his throat. “Surprise.”

I pressed my hand to my chest to steady my wild beating heart. “He’s getting medical clearance?”

“We hope,” Rocco said. “A local medical team is working with his center. If something changes, we’ll plan for a stream so that he can watch the wedding. I also planned a trip to Poughkeepsie to see him before our honeymoon.”

Happiness filled me up, and I was in absolute shock at what he’d done for Jacob. Yet, I stood there frozen to the spot. My mind so sure he’d only done what appeared perfect, and not done it for me. I’m no one to him. Why do I care?

“Thank you, Rocco,” I said softly, and turned away. Rocco placed his hands on my shoulders that were shaking.

‘“Can you please excuse us, Will?”

“Of course, Mr. Marini. Your sample dinner will be with you when you’re ready. You’re welcome to look around the grounds,” Will said and quickly left.

Rocco turned me around. “Look at me,” he demanded.

I lifted my chin. His blue-eyed gaze shot to mine and locked. A powerful force that commanded attention captured me, and I felt the pull to go to him.

“No,” he said, his eyes shifting over my face, his jaw tightening. He clasped my arms. “Not today.”

I blinked up at him. “What…what do you mean?”

He huffed. “You, Adelina. I’ve never met a woman like you. I…fuck. I keep trying and being patient, and every time I think we’ve gained ground, you shut down and shut me away.”

My pulse sped up and I stumbled over my words. “I don’t shut you away. We…we’ve been…intimate—”

“Yes, we fuck,” he said his voice raising. “That’s when you’re warm and affectionate, and I think we are connecting. Only to later look at me as a stranger and I have to start trying to get you to open up to me all over again.” His hands roughly pushed his hair back. “Fuck, what am I doing? Give me a minute or ten.”

He walked away, and kept going out of the restaurant.

My pulse jumped into my throat as I quickly went after him, catching up with him just as he stepped on the bridge that led to the parked cars. “Wait. Rocco…?”

He stopped and turned back to me. I could see a man at the end of his resolve. He wasn’t going to try anymore. Panic swirled inside of me and tears stung the back of my eyelids. “Let’s talk about it.”

He shook his head and placed his hands on his hips. “About what? I give, and you pull away. I’m a proud man, Adelina. You have no idea how soul-crushing it is for me to have a woman forced into my life.”

“I’m not…I don’t feel forced,” I stammered and stepped towards him, then hesitated.

His eyes narrowed. “But you are, and I hate it. I hate that you’re with me against your will. And that’s why I try to show you a good life every day. That I’m committed to making you happy—”

“That’s the problem,” I cut in, my voice raising. I fisted my hands by my sides. “You’re doing it out of obligation. You’re surprised how it makes you feel—”

“What surprised me, Adelina, was that making you happy made me happy, too,” he grasped my arms. His eyes bore into mine. “Over these past weeks, I have found out that nothing from you comes easily. You’re…self-restrained. And at times, to be honest, I find you friendly, but cold.”