I let out a laugh despite everything. “You joke, but he had no right to treat you badly.”
“He wasn’t left without scars either, babe. He’s in the celebrity law business, my parents know him. A bit too good looking for my taste, but I’ll still fuck him. I feel a need to break him.” She let out a chuckle.
“Cass,” I scolded while laughing. How sex would break this Gunnar guy I didn’t know, but he’d attracted her attention. It also made us laugh together and the tension inside of me eased. I loved Cassidy dearly and didn’t want to hurt her, ever.
“But seriously, Gunnar said the same thing I’d say on behalf of my clients. It’s always been hard to get close to you, but I love you. I’m asking you to trust me and our friendship.”
Cassidy never gave me a reason to doubt her, and honestly I missed her and needed her advice. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better. Gosh, so much has happened.”
“Well, I’m here right now. Talk to me.” Her voice was sincere and she was supportive, as she’d always been. Despite being so different, there had always been this ease in our friendship. Hopefully once life settled, and we’d find some sort of routine and be able to talk more regularly. I had definitely missed being able to talk to her daily. So, I sat on the bed and told her everything. It was cathartic if I was honest. She didn’t interrupt me, but waited until I stopped speaking.
“I wish I’d been there for you. Especially when you had your first sexual experience, but I’m happy you had Nadia to help you.”
My heart constricted at the hurt I could hear in her voice. “I’m sorry, Cass. I called and left a message, but I should have tried you again. She shared some personal experiences that I could relate to. But honestly, I hoped I’d tell you in person.”
“We could FaceTime. Just putting it out there,” she said in a light tone. “Anyway, I believe Nadia gave you good advice. Rocco sounds thoughtful and patient. A good lover—”
“A great lover,” I teased.
“Great? I love you and I hate you, Lina.”
I laughed.
“Seriously. It’s what I hoped for you. He gave you space to think about having children without pressing you to be a mother. He’s not old fashioned and you’ll have a career. I love what I’m hearing.”
I smiled and my insides warmed. “He’s been great. I really like him. He’s taken me around Italy, and I love it here.”
“Are you falling in love?” she asked.
My skin heated, and I fidgeted with a button on my shirt. “We’re just getting to know each other. We’re friends.”
“So, Adelina is keeping her shield in place,” Cassidy deadpanned.
I rolled my eyes and huffed down the line. “I’m being cautious.”
“Sure you are,” she chided. “Does he open up to share with you?”
“He…he does,” I said and bit my bottom lip. Rocco had told me a lot about his life and his family. He’d shared his work, and ideas for the future. I know more about him than he probably knows about me. I admitted as much to Cassidy.
“See? He’s trying and I’m glad you’re dating, but you’ll need to drop your guard and let yourself be vulnerable with him. It could open up your relationship so much more. The sex will even be better. Best of all, you could fall in love.”
“Geez, Cass. You sound very sappy. Are you with someone new?” I teased her.
“No, I’m trying to be serious and help you. You deserve love, Adelina. I want that for you.”
My heart swelled and my throat felt constricted. While I wasn’t sure about opening my heart to Rocco, I was glad for the time we spent together.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Yes?” I called.
“The dinner guests have arrived,” One of the housekeepers named Magda called through the door.
“Thank you. I’ll be right there,” I said. “I have to go, but I’ll call you soon.”
“Please do, I miss you and love you like crazy, Lina.”
“I love you too, Cass. Thank you.”