A flash of light and the sound of a camera shutter crossed my senses. My awareness returned like the startle of ice water poured over me.

My head lowered, and I practically jumped back, creating a space between us. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”

Rocco’s fingers brushed my hot cheek. “Don’t be. I’m not. Nadia and Paul like to have photographers at the parties. They give us a chance to keep the photos later.”

His gaze was soft as he cupped my face. “You’re sweet.” He kissed my forehead. A tingle spread through me from his brief contact. Buzz. His phone vibrated. He sighed. “I’ll be right with you.”

He let me go, and I ran my hands over the goosebumps on my arms. I fought hard not to stare at him. I’d been too willing whenever we touched. It was all new for me, but there was a longing inside me that craved it. I wouldn’t form a deeper connection with him, though. I learned to be far more careful with my heart. With…emotions. But I could admit that Rocco worked fast and was dangerous to me in every way.

Bonding with Judge Colby had made my mother weak. Her love had outweighed her self-preservation. He’d broken her body and mind, but he’d always known he could return to her because he owned her heart.

That was why I needed to control myself. Rocco was just being friendly. But he sang a song, dedicating it to us. And thinking about it made my heart flutter at his thoughtfulness.

What did I do with that?

The paparazzi who took photos of us going into the restaurant had the pictures circulating social media with the headline:

A Match Made in Money: Rocco Marini has finally chosen his bride.

A mysterious Belfiore heiress has emerged with a ring. Rocco Marini and Adelina Belfiore captured outside of Carbone. Greenwich Village, New York. First picture: No ring. Second picture: Boulder-sized ring.

There was a red circle and a closer photo of my hand. The photo captured us just as we were leaving the restaurant on the first day. It was odd to see myself in print. Unfortunately, I had squinted from the sun in my eyes, and Rocco wasn’t smiling. I don’t remember that. Rick, his bodyguard, held the Mercedes’ door open next to us.

The headline stung, but it was true. I decided to skip the comments, and there were many.

“You look beautiful, Adelina,” Nadia said and squeezed my shoulders. “The world will know you tonight.”

A nervous rush coursed through me as I remembered the pages of images that had come up when I’d searched for Rocco online. That may soon be me. “Thank you, Nadia.”

The week had flown by. Nadia had been very kind to fit me in for more appointments, but also made time to talk. She told me all about living in Paris and Italy. Her life sounded so exciting with fashion and award shows, and photo shoots at locations all over the world—not to leave out touring with her husband. Would my life with Rocco be just as jet-set?

Most of all, I admired her passion. I was eager to draw, and Isla had brought me some charcoal and mixed media pads. I’d gotten lost and absorbed in making pictures from my memories. Rocco had been right about that—these experiences were inspiring. I’d drawn a version of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts cover with the impromptu band. With Nadia singing, Paul playing the piano, and other musicians that were in the band. I’d include Rocco and myself playing the tambourine amongst the clouds. The night had inspired me, and I wasn’t ready for this week to end.

I sent a photo of my work-in-progress to Cindy for Jacob’s critique. Perhaps in Italy I can get some canvases and paint?

I loved the leisure of being on my own and not doing college work. I even took a walk around the village and sent a few pictures to Cassidy who had been sending photos from her trip to Cancun that her parents had hoped we’d all go together if I’d been able to come back to visit. Before it had seemed impossible, but now with Rocco it didn’t seem as much.

Rocco met up with me for lunch and dinner out, but he had work to do. We had our engagement party to hold and planned to leave for Italy right after. I’d studied languages with a dream of traveling, and now it was somehow coming true. I can’t believe this is my life.

I only wished it all was going well. Jacob had an infection that required treatment. With all his medical issues, these always made me nervous, but Cindy assured me that he would get through it. I want to see him in person.

“I must go pick up Miles from his music lessons,” Nadia said, bringing my attention back to her.

“Another Paul?” I asked with a grin.

She shrugged and closed the closet door. “He’s at the age where he wants to be something different every day.”

“I never grew out of that,” I half-joked.

“You can be whatever you want,” she said with conviction.

My life was different. She chose to be a mother; I have to be one. That was still my duty. But Rocco didn’t sound too keen on children, and that was one of the many worries I had to deal with. Nadia left, and I was too nervous to sit down, though I had hours. I picked up my phone to call Cassidy, but it rang in my hand.

Mr. Belfiore?


“Hello, Adelina. How are you?”