I wasn’t surprised. When I texted him he already knew things had gone sour with Willy Ashford. Had they been in talks with my grandparents before our arranged marriage? I wanted to ask Rocco, but didn’t because in the end it didn’t matter. I was now promised to marry him.

He exited the car, and I tried to open the door, but it didn’t open. He came around and opened it for me. “Let me be your gentleman.”

I covered my smile. Rocco was so different than I had expected, but what had I expected, exactly? I’d never seen him behave unruly. He was suave. Sophisticated.

He placed his hand on my back, and we walked to an outdoor elevator by the bi-level garage.

“We’ll reach the city faster by helicopter.”

Nerves swarmed in my stomach as we rode to the top. “I’ve never ridden in a helicopter.”

“You’ll be fine,” he assured me.

I trembled in the seat. “Uhm…how long is the flight?”

“Twenty-five minutes.” He shook the pilot’s hand before wrapping his hands on my waist, and lifting me into the seat like I weighed nothing. His hands felt strong and warm on my hips. Goosebumps rose on my skin and excitement coursed through me from the contact. I belted in, and Rocco settled next to me.

“This will help with the noise.” He put noise-cancellation headphones over my ears and grinned.

My heart pounded so hard I could feel it in my ears as we lifted off the ground. The helicopter swiftly curved and changed directions, reminding me of a too fast elevator lift. The swift changes in direction and air beating against the windows had me clutching the armrest.

“Adelina?” I heard Rocco’s voice through the headphones. “Talk to me.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. “I’m afraid of falling.”

Rocco’s hand clasped mine. His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand, and electricity surged through me from just his touch. It was warm, soothing. I’d never had my hand held before, and I liked it. My stomach fluttered, but then my conscience finally kicked in. He’s just holding your hand. I was getting caught up in such a simple show of genuine kindness.

I focused on a point in front of me to distract myself from his touch. The helicopter’s rapid changes were still there, but so was his contact, and my mind kept on shifting between the two. Then we were slowing, and a glance out the window showed the skyscrapers towering ahead. We had reached Manhattan. My hand went to my hammering heart at the sight. A swirl of excitement and wonder rushed through me, and I was all but a little girl in a magical kingdom full of wonder at the sight. New York City was the City of Dreams, and I instantly felt the magic of its rhythm. I hadn’t realized it but my hand had tightened around Rocco’s. My skin warmed, and I muttered, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he said, squeezing my hand. He let go, and strange enough, my hand missed his warmth. Weird since I’d never been a touchy-feely type of person.

I followed him to a waiting Mercedes, and we climbed inside. His energy radiated and filled the space, pulsing into me. Even in this big city full of people, he stood out. It wasn’t only his gorgeous profile and magnetism, but there was a happiness that permeated from him. When he smiled, it was hard not to mirror it back. I wonder what makes him so happy?

Rocco removed his suit jacket and hung it on a hook near the door before turning to me with a broad smile. “How are you now?” He picked up my hand and gently squeezed it.

My heart beat faster. He seemed genuinely pleased. So sure of himself. His touch caused a tingling sensation on my skin, and I inhaled to try to slow down my pulse, to calm my breathing. His cologne smelled so good.

My skin warmed, and I lowered my eyelids. Was it obscene how much I wanted to stare at him? Or where his casual touches took my thoughts? Knowing he would be my husband and would do so much more took me to places in my head I rarely ever went. But then, it dawned on me that I hadn’t responded. “Oh, uhm…I’m fine. That wasn’t so bad. Thanks.”

“Good,” he said. “We won’t use the helicopter often, but it was quicker to get here, near our next stop.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“For lunch first. You didn’t eat, and I hoped we could talk.”

I was hungry, but nerves were also jumbling my stomach. Were we going to talk about how our marriage would work? I hadn’t planned for it. The only examples I had were the fights and violence from my upbringing. The rare visits with my grandparents were mostly them telling me what to do. Or the occasional times I visited Mama and Glenn. Thinking about them now, their dinners seemed more like business meetings. They went over checklists of what to do. What if I’m boring? Would he think he made a mistake? Choose an heiress who already knows her stuff?

“I’ve always loved New York, but I have little privacy here. Grandpa wants to give us his Westchester home—”

“I don’t want to live there,” I said without thinking. The house was too close to my grandparents. I loved them, but I could only imagine their constant pressure. “I’m sorry, uhm…I’ll be very happy with whatever. Please thank him. His offer is very generous.”

“Actually, I’m not keen myself. I was thinking Malibu for us.”

I beamed. “Wow. California? I’ve never been there.” The words came out of my mouth, and I immediately regretted them. I sound so unsophisticated.

But then Rocco said, “I’ll have to make sure to take you there, if it brings on a smile like that.”

My insides warmed.