My eyes were watery. “He can’t be out? How can he be out after what he did?”

It all came flooding back: Judge Colby’s wild mood swings and violent outbursts. How he’d “accidentally” burst into my room when I’d left the shower. I’d never left the bathroom unclothed or slept without a weapon, knowing he’d cross that line one day. And he tried to sell me. The fury and joy bubbled up inside me as I remembered how that bastard had crumbled. I used that folding chair.

Rocco touched me, and I bristled. He quickly dropped his hands and said, “Let’s get back in the car.”

I climbed in first, and Rick closed the door. Then we drove off again.

Rocco pressed the call button. “No more stops, Rick. Head straight to the hotel. Tell the manager to clear the staff in the villa. They’re not to come back for an hour.”

“Yes, sir.”

Rocco took out his phone and turned to me. “I’m going to check with my lawyer.”

I didn’t answer but pressed my hand on my churning stomach.

“Hi, Gunnar…Yes. I was hoping you could tell me about Judge Eric Colby. Yep. That one. Now. Whatever you have.” He was silent as he listened, and I was keen to know, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask. I only needed to find out and share what I knew with Mama. It will hurt her so much. My head was filled with images of her broken body and spirit. I can’t live through it again.

“Shit. Yep. Okay. Well, talk soon, Gunnar. Thank you.” He ended the call and cursed, blowing out his breath.

My pulse became erratic. “Tell me, Rocco. Please.”

He sighed. “Colby has friends in the judicial. They helped him plead down to a misdemeanor, and he did a stint at rehab. They appointed him in a temporary vacancy only recently, probably to do a favor. But the bottom line is, he’s free.”

“To practice law?” I asked. Not possible? But even I doubted that.

“He voluntarily stepped down from his job and was never convicted of a crime while practicing law. No one can access his case.”

“B-but my grandfather promised,” I said, my voice catching. “When did it happen?”

“At least seven months ago.” He blew out his breath. “They kept it quiet, and no one was looking until…” He rubbed the space between his brows.

Our wedding announcement. Rocco didn’t want to take the blame. He shouldn’t. My grandparents had known, and yet they never mentioned it. Mama probably didn’t know, or she would have told me. Was that why my grandparents wanted our wedding to be kept quiet? To keep Mama and me in the dark?

“Your grandparents helped bury his jail time, so the scandal didn’t touch them, or that’s what I suspect. After hearing what happened with your mother, he deserved more time.”

If my grandparents were willing to give up some of their privacy, Judge Colby would have never seen a day out of jail. But their own pride and status mattered more than us. I keep trying to earn that love, but maybe, I’ll never get it.

A nagging thought tugged at the edge of my conscience. My grandfather promised me he’d make it all disappear. He didn’t. Judge Colby was never held accountable for harming Mama and me. He was out there with another chance after putting us through hell. I fisted my hands at my sides. I did my part. What have they done but use me?

Rocco lightly touched my hand, and this time I didn’t pull away. “I’m sorry, Bella. What can I do to help you?” He gentled his voice and moved loose strands of hair off my face.

“Nothing, thanks,” I muttered. All I wanted to do was to speak to my mother and make sure she was safe.

But there was an elephant in the car: my attendance at the movie premiere. If I went, Rocco wouldn’t be able to control the press, and I’d probably react if I was told more news about Judge Colby. But if I stayed away, the press would believe they’d struck gold and would dig up more dirt. How do I keep myself together?

Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc was a luxurious manor that sat at the crown of a paved drive with plush manicured lawns and swaying palms. The weather was on board with the sun shining above, giving every color in the environment an infused hue—the greens were greener, the pinks and yellows in the flowers more vivid, and the blue of the sea appeared drawn from a water painting.

Rick turned to the Villa Eleana, a pristine, contemporary-styled home on the estate. A hotel with private villas, this was the crème de la crème of luxurious indulgence. At any other time, I’d have marveled at the extravagant surroundings that Rocco navigated and shared with me, but my mind was preoccupied with Judge Colby. The man had a hold on Mama like no other. She wouldn’t leave him. It was what I’d resented the most and what had almost ruined our relationship forever. I had to find out what she knew.

I felt Rocco’s stare and turned to him. His expression was pensive as he studied me. Even though he modestly downplayed attending the event, it was his big night. The movie he invested in had a chance for top honors. He needed the press as much as I wanted to avoid it. Besides that, it had been years. Even though my grandparents were deceptive in what they’d done, I’d fought back. Ultimately, Judge Colby won. He got another chance after so many. If I was being truthful with myself, I’d of known there was always a chance for a man like him to walk free, especially if he hadn’t been held accountable for all the damage he’d done.

Rocco rubbed his jaw. “I’ve arranged a spa treatment here. Isla has your dress, but if you want to stay in tonight—”

“No, I don’t. This is your movie, and I’m excited to go. I’m coming,” I said and stepped closer with my arms out. He wrapped his around me. I refuse to let Judge Colby win. “Don’t worry. It was the initial shock. I’ll talk to Mama. I just need to know she’s safe. Okay?”

“I’ll make sure you’re safe, too. I’ve requested more security, and one will escort you tonight.” He exhaled heavily.

I peered up at him. “You have to go?”