Glenn frowned but stood. “I guess we have to go. Nice to meet you all.”

“Great meeting you, Glenn,” Rocco’s parents told him.

His driver came to the table, and Mama gave me a look that said, “See me off,” but Rocco took my hand in his. With a short shake of his head, he rooted me to the spot. I could feel her humiliation.

My lips parted as I watched her reluctantly leave. Yes, Mama had lied and behaved poorly, but Rocco had also shocked me. Sure, he was seven years older than me, but him preventing me from doing something had me feeling more like a child with a parent. He ignored Mama leaving and called over our desserts.

“You should try the chocolate cake. It’s orgasmic.” He held up the fork to my mouth. It was sensual, but playful. I guess he wanted me to let what had happened go.

It was also a test. I was supposed to move on and act as the besotted fiancée who was swept off my feet. My eyes took a glimpse of his parents who eyed me severely, waiting to see if I’d behave as poorly as my Mama. It wasn’t lost on me that I could easily be replaced should I behave badly, and I wouldn’t.

My lips closed on the fork, and I widened my eyes and moaned in delight. “It’s so delicious.” Truly it was the best cake I ever tasted, but my performance was a bit over the top. Still, they eased back in their seats smiling at me.

“It’s Chef Renault’s award winning chocolate cake. He made it himself for tonight,” Olivia trilled.

“Oh, please thank him,” I enthused.

I felt a squeeze on my knee under the table from Rocco. I glanced back and he was smiling again, and delight washed over me. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself, but he did seem like a genuinely kind person, and I liked that about him. He takes his family and his responsibilities seriously. As should I.

A new song came on and the Marini’s went back to dancing.

Their joy was infectious, but I had to be careful. Despite Mama’s woeful behavior, I couldn’t allow Rocco or anyone else to think they could mistreat her.

While I’d keep on enjoying the night I was sure of one thing.

This wasn’t over.

“My father couldn’t make it, but you’ll see him in…” Olivia stopped speaking and covered her mouth. “I forgot. Rocco wants the location to be a surprise.”

“Can you give me a hint?” I teased.

She shook her head and laughed. “I’ll be in trouble if I do.”

I chuckled. “Okay. Anyway, I’m very excited to go. I’m looking forward to seeing Mr. Marini again.”

The end of the night had arrived, and the Brass Clarinet was closing. After a tense dessert, we danced and went back to enjoying the night. No one brought up Mama and Glenn leaving early. I didn’t know how to excuse it, so I went along with everyone ignoring what had happened. My family had completely disappointed me, and deep down, I was hurt by it. Once again, my grandfather had skipped out on something he’d told me was so important. My grandmother, too. And Mama had been disrespectful to my potential in-laws. They had all done things I’d never consider doing to them.

“I want you to feel at home with us, Adelina. We’ll leave for Italy soon to help with the wedding, but we want you to know you have a family now.” She hugged me. And even though I knew there was discord between my mama and her, she had been genuinely kind to me. In fact, the differences between my family and the Marinis was so extreme. Warmth versus cold, if I was honest. I felt welcomed. As opposed to my family, where it was becoming clearer that I was simply a pawn. Only of use when needed. It’s as if I don’t really matter.

“It was really wonderful to meet you, Olivia. Thank you again,” I said with a lift to my tone.

She patted my back and kissed my cheek. “Hope your mom’s headache gets better.” Her tone was sarcastic, but she left me to stop her children, who were sliding on the floor with their friends without their shoes.

Olivia didn’t hide her feelings about my mother, which worried me. It wasn’t good to start a marriage with fighting relatives. Would they try to convince Rocco to change his mind? The thought stayed present in my mind when his father came and shook my hand, with his focus mainly on Rocco. “Excuse us.”

Rocco squeezed my shoulder before walking away to speak with his dad. I fought not to watch them and used the time to check my phone for messages.

Cassidy: O.M.G. I saw a video of you standing with Rocco outside the theater. You looked sensational, darling. I hate you, and I love you!

I grinned and bounced on my heels as I typed a response.

Adelina: Thanks, babes. I miss you, Gorgeous!

There was also a text from Mama.

Mama: I’m back in Connecticut. I can’t believe how rude Rocco was to me, and you just stood there.

Rocco’s snort clued me in that they had finished their family meeting, and he was peering over my shoulder at Mama’s message.