Mama had a complex chignon she wouldn’t have been able to do herself. Her dress was a navy satin crepe with a lace top. Even her fingers had more jewels on them than normal. “We need to talk.” She drained her glass of champagne.

I was perplexed. “Later, okay? Why don’t you dance?”

“And make a spectacle of myself? No thanks,” Mama huffed.

I glanced at Glenn in mid eyeroll as he took a long sip of dark liquid in his glass.

A woman came over to the table and spoke to Mama. “I know you said you didn’t want to dance, Mrs. Talbot, but my husband is also unable to dance tonight. Can we borrow Glenn? The band said they’d play ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’ next?”

“Yes,” Glenn said quickly and rose to his feet before Mama could answer. He sped off to the floor and spun her around with more gusto than I’d ever seen from him before.

I glanced at Mama who lifted her chin in the air and motioned for the waitress to refill her glass.

I frowned at her and gestured towards the floor. “Why not try to dance for Glenn? You might like it.” Maybe even try for me?

She shrugged. “Glenn knows I don’t want to.”

I bounced in my seat. “I love this song.”

Mama’s face narrowed.

I turned my head and saw Rocco. He was heading over. When he reached us, he took my hand. “There you are. I’ve missed you.”

A flutter went through my stomach, and a soft smile spread on my lips. I turned my head to avoid looking at Mama, and went back to the dance floor with him. Swinging my hands around like I’d learned in the lesson, I followed Rocco’s dance moves as we hopped, shook our hips, and clapped on the floor. Then we joined the crowd on the side and clapped as the group that stayed on the dance floor carried out the more elaborate dance moves. His brother Salvatore did a back flip, and then a group of teens did cartwheels. It was almost a shame when the song ended.

“It’s time for our dance,” Rocco said as the music slowed. Our eyes connected and my pulse started beating faster. He leaned close to my ear and said, “I can’t take my eyes off of you.” Then he placed a soft brush of his lips on my earlobe.

I shivered, and he squeezed my hand as he led me to the center of the hall.

An ensemble group took the stage and started singing, “Only You,” by The Platters.

Rocco took my hand and led us to the front. All eyes were on us as I placed my hands on his shoulders, and he gripped my waist, pulling me close. My eyes lifted, and our gazes locked. A tingling sensation filled my chest. Is this real? If it was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up. His stare bore into me and increased my pulse. Rocco’s hands closed on my waist, turning me back to him. His arms closed around me, and my hands went around his neck as my heart hammered against my rib cage. My eyes lifted to his, and he must’ve surely seen the mixture of excitement and fear in them. We weren’t alone. But his calm assuredness surrounded me, and his eyes darkened with desire and determination. He crushed his lips to mine. I parted mine for his tongue that slipped in and stroked me hot. He pulled me closer, my body pressing hard against his, and his mouth closed to suck on my tongue; the sensation was as sensual as his fingers on my clit. So good. Every draw on my tongue made me hotter, wetter. It took all my control not to move my hips and writhe against his erection I could feel pressing on my stomach. My body ached and I wanted more. But the loud cry from the crowd finally filled my senses.

The people around cheered from their seats, breaking the charm. We slowly broke apart, and I touched my flushed face before lowering my head onto Rocco’s shoulder. My eyes darted over his family and friends who were on their feet clapping. I wanted to bury myself. How could I’ve lost so much control in public? Whenever he touched me, I unraveled, and I had no idea how to stop it.

I glanced up at him, and there was a mixture of curiosity and pleasure in his eyes. Rocco wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed. “You constantly surprise me, Bella.” Rocco seemed surprised, too. He’d been just as caught up in our kiss. But he owned it, standing tall and proud as if we did it all the time. My tension eased, and some of my embarrassment lessened as he kept me close in his arms.

A tiered cake was rolled out from the nightclub’s kitchen, which read, “Congratulations, Adelina and Rocco.” It calmed everyone down, and we were able to move on from our PDA. We stopped for photos before returning to our table. I had only sat down when Mama tugged my arm. “Can you please come with me?”

My ears warmed. I could see from Olivia’s surprised reaction that she wasn’t particularly pleased with my mama’s request. Nor did she have to. This was not the best moment to pull me aside. Glenn started a timely conversation with Rocco, possibly to divert his attention, but when I noticed Nico’s expression, I sensed his judgment. We were beneath him in his eyes.

I rose with a smile and said, “Of course,” to Mama, excusing myself from the table. I followed her out to the back hall and then she motioned for me to walk to the end of the corridor, near an exit, no doubt for privacy.

“What’s this about you speaking with Mr. Marini?” she asked.

“I thought you had to go to the restroom,” I grumbled and folded my arms. “I met Mr. Marini the first night at your parents’ house. Remember?”

Neither one of us could forget. She turned her head and trembled, hugging herself.

And for a minute I transported back to the night we had left Judge Colby.

A man fixes the front of his pants outside our motel door.

Why the hell’s he here? I snarled at him and took the keys out of my bag, pushing the door hard enough to hit the wall.

Judge Colby is still here, but my focus went right to Mama.

Her eyes lock with mine. They are bruised pools of horror.