I averted my eyes, my insides warming at his praise. “Did you want a virgin?”
“No. Only a weak man asks for that. But we meet each other as we are. Okay?”
I nodded.
He kissed my forehead. “I want more, but we need to head out for your appointment.”
My brows rose. “For the wedding dress?”
He stood and adjusted the front of his pants, then helped me off the bed. “Too tempting,” he whispered and pulled my pants higher on my hips. “Yes, we need to leave for Nadia’s home studio.”
My brows rose. “Nadia-Nadia who?”
“Nadia Crane. She’s a designer at Givenchy in Paris and New York. She’s also my friend Paul’s wife.”
I pressed my hands to my chest to stop myself from hyperventilating. “Wait a minute. Nadia Crane’s doing my dress. Paul Crane’s your friend.”
Paul Crane was a famous billionaire heir and pianist, and his wife Nadia was becoming famous in her own right. No one could escape their wedding of the year four years ago. There was even a limited-edition movie about her rise as a designer and their fairytale marriage. Cassidy and I had watched it on a streaming platform a couple of years ago.
“Yes,” he said casually. “Paul’s best friends with my cousin, Lorenzo. I’ve known him most of my life. Nadia’s really cool. Approachable. She agreed to design your style and make your wedding dress.”
I touched my hot face. “That’s unbelievable. I-I can’t go there. I’ll be too nervous.”
He squeezed my shoulders, his smile soft. “You’ll be fine.”
The concierge had a black Ferrari double parked out front. Rocco signed a tablet, then opened my door before taking his seat behind the wheel. How he could drive in the heavy traffic was remarkable, but he seemed to anticipate every other move of the drivers and pedestrians. There were billboards of models advertising clothes and tables packed with people sitting below colorful awnings at restaurants. There were businessmen, the elderly, and children all hurrying from place to place. Rocco’s fast car and the stream of moving people and traffic gave off an energy that had me excited.
“Wow, this city is amazing,” I gushed.
Rocco shifted gears. “Yeah, I’ve always loved New York.”
Being with Rocco was more like a fantasy than reality. A rebalance had to come. It would bring a sad tinge to all the good. But for now, I cherished the experience. All the pleasures he’d given to me so generously. “Thank you, Rocco.”
“For what, Adelina?”
I cleared my throat. For your kindness? For the time you’ve given me…a stranger for all intents and purposes. For the orgasm? Only the best sexual experience I’d had in my life. But I couldn’t say all of that. We were still learning about each other, so I kept it simple. “For the lunch, dance lessons, this hotel.”
“I’m happy you are enjoying it.” He reached over, gave me what looked like a thankful smile, and squeezed my knee. “We’re here.”
The car stopped, and he turned into a driveway, pressing in a code. The door rolled away to reveal an underground parking lot, which was filled with luxury cars. I climbed out and a nervous thrill went through me. There were rich people at school, but never had I met anyone famous or been to their home.
Rocco placed his hand low on my back, and we moved together to the top level of the building.
The door opened and a beautiful woman with dark hair and violet eyes stood there in a jumpsuit, beaming at us. I recognized her right away as Nadia.
“Bonjour, Rocco.” She opened her arms.
Rocco gave her a hug, kissing her cheeks. “Bonjour, Nadia. Ça va?”
“Ça va bien. So?” She moved to stand in front of me, clasping my arms. “You’re his Adelina. Wow. You’re a lucky man, Rocco,” she said in a cheery tone.
“Yes, she’s lovely,” Rocco added softly.
“I’m so happy to finally meet you,” she said.
Meet me? Oh, My God. “Th-thank you, Mrs. Crane. So very nice to meet you. Thank you for making my wedding dress and inviting us to your home,” I stammered.
She took my hands lightly. “I’m honored to style you, Adelina. Please relax and call me Nadia. You’re welcome here.” She turned her attention back to Rocco. “Paul’s in the studio next door. He’s expecting you.”