“Yeah, I suppose,” I said and took a deep breath.

“Was he the one you were going to marry all this time?”

“No, I was supposed to marry Willy Ashford.” I filled Cassidy in as much as I could, excluding why he had decided to not marry me.

“Wait, I’m doing a search…Yikes. I mean the man’s ancient. What the hell?” she grumbled when I told her he’s marrying my cousin Lana.

“He was sort of nice,” I scrunched up my face.

“Nice? He’s basically going for a child bride. Gross.”

I didn’t answer though I agreed. Lana was much too young for him.

“Now seriously, I don’t like the arranged part, but if I had to be I’d choose Rocco. He’s sexy as hell. I can say that until you’re married, right?” Her voice raised an octave. She was always sensitive to other people’s feelings, and I loved her for it. But I loved her joking too, as it made life less stressful.

“You can,” I said grinning. “But you should see him in person. I mean. Whoa. He’s breathtaking.” I sent an emoji of a person fanning herself.

Cassidy burst out laughing when she checked the text. “Brag much? I hate you, but I love this for you.”

I bit my smile and stretched out on my back on the couch. “Thank you. But it’s still all new.”

“So, what’s he like in person?”

I told her about what happened from the moment he picked me up until now.

“Helicopters, lunch in the village, and swing dance lessons. You did all that, Adelina?” she said cheerfully.

I touched my warm face and twirled the ends of my hair. “Yes. It was incredible.”

“God, I love it. You’re finally stepping outside your shell. So, did you kiss him?”

I chuckled. “No. It hasn’t even been a day.”

“Okay, okay. But he’s the husband-to-be so you can kiss the man. He said he wants to be your lover; if he said that to me I’d have jumped him in the car.”

“You wouldn’t have.” I said, laughing.

“Probably not, but I’d have wanted to see if he can kiss at least…So, five weeks to a destination wedding in Italy. I better be invited.”

“You’re more than invited. I want to know if you’d mind being my maid of honor.” My pulse sped up.

“Oh, my God. Of course I will.” She let out a sob. “I’m honored, Sis. There’s nothing that will keep me from seeing you happy.”

My eyes stung. “Thank you, Cass.”

“But jokes aside. How do you really feel Lina?”

I blew out my breath. “I feel out of my depth.”

“Don’t worry. He’s done a bunch of things already to try to make you comfortable. That’s important. You also have a chance to spend time together. Use it. Just talk to him. See what you have in common. Let him romance you. It only works if you work at it. I’m also here to cheer you on anytime. Okay?” The line engaged, and I checked the number. Mama calling again. “I have to go. I’ll call you soon.”

“Love you and we’ll talk soon. I’ll see about coming to Italy early.”

“Oh, I hope you can. Love you too, Cass. Sorry I didn’t ask about how you’re doing—”

“Don’t be. We’ll talk again soon. Love you.”

My heart warmed and I ended our call. The line engaged again, and I answered.