Page 1 of Dauntless


“Do you need me to repeat the question?”

It was an early start, just after seven in the morning, and I still laid in my hospital bed. My ribs were tender under the thin gown. After weeks in recovery, the bruises on my face and neck were still there, though most have faded. Seated on the pastel plastic chairs to my right were my attorney, Stuart Miller and the criminal defense lawyer he'd brought with him, Joshua Stone. To my left were two FBI agents, one of whom was my lover, Elliott Carmichael. Lover? I suppose we are, though we never defined our relationship. What happened between us can be best put as complicated. He had been undercover at the time, and he wasn’t alone. We’d been with Dane Westbrook, the other man in my life.

This wasn’t the first time I was questioned. I’d given the police a statement on my kidnapping over a week ago. And today, what I’d hoped for were answers, progress, not more questions. Elliott’s work partner, Agent Trish Walker, wasted no time in asking most of the questions as she made recordings and took notes. My answers were nothing short than bizarre, especially out of context.

Yes, I did interrupt a private event on Mr. Westbrook’s property. I went there to speak with him about the sale of Perfetto, my cosmetic company. It’s a global brand available in sixteen countries, employing hundreds of people. I had previously been to his place on two separate occasions. I had assumed he was alone.

No, I didn’t know the cruise was a sexual fantasy cruise.

Yes, it was my first cruise and the only one I had been on.

No, I didn’t believe I had a choice but to go with the armed guards present at Vincent Santiago’s insistence. Mr. Westbrook said I would be in danger if I tried to leave. This was further explained by Mr. Carmichael on the cruise.

Then her questions became more invasive. Some parts I suspect were in Elliott’s report. It became clear my answers weren’t enough for Trish.

“Did you engage in sexual relations during the cruise?”

“Yes, of course,” was my answer. There was no reason to deny it happened, but then she pressed further.

“So, Mrs. Walsh—Gia, you said you were held against your will, but during that time on the boat, you were willing to have sex with Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Westbrook?”

“She’s not discussing her private life, Trish,” Stuart answered for me. “Next question.”

Trish held her recorder out toward me. “Is that your answer, Mrs. Walsh?”

I’d already attempted to stop her from using my ex-husband, Patrick Walsh, Jr.’s last name, but I decided not to remind her again, though it made me cringe inwardly at the mention of it.

Nonetheless, there was no denying his name carried some clout and privilege because he was once the governor of Washington. In a way, I had a right to use it, although we were divorced.My connections and work on his campaigns had made his rise in government possible. I'd earned his seat just as much as he had. As for why I had sex with two men on a cruise I was being held on, I had no explanation. It happened. Whether or not I did have sex didn’t excuse what Marco and Vincent did to me.

“As I have shared before,” I replied calmly, “what happened between Dane and Elliott came earlier. The drugging and kidnapping occurred later when I found Mr. Marco Santiago in the bedroom going through Mr. Westbrook’s belongings. Before that, I was trying to help Mr. Westbrook find Angel.”

Trisha adjusted her glasses, which were perched on the end of her upturned nose. “By ‘helping’ find Angelica Browne, you had sex with Mr. Westbrook and Mr. Carmichael?” Her words came out as a question, but her tone was awfully judgmental. She left me temporarily speechless. Luckily, Elliott didn’t have the same problem.

“She already answered your question,” Elliott said in a low grumble.

I kept my smile inward. Apparently, Elliott didn’t take too kindly to criticism of his sex life. At least I could say that much wasn’t part of his undercover job.

Once I looked at him though, it was hard to look away; he was magnetic. Elliott was suited up like his colleague, but instead of his usually trendy metro style, he had more of that John Wick movie star look about him. He had on an expensive tailored suit but appeared a little wild and rough in it. His dark, wavy hair was parted and hung a little above his collar with more beard than scruff on his square jaw. Sexy. The one difference between Elliott and my favorite action movie hero were Elliott’s piercing pale blue eyes. When he looked at me, I felt like he’d rip my clothes off any moment and have his way.

“We need to establish when Ms. Ruiz-Walsh was kidnapped,” Trish said, bringing my focus back to her. A line was etched between her brows. “People in attendance reported nothing unusual, no report of screams, yells, or fights aboard the ship—”

“Except when I was beaten and drugged on the deck,” I snapped. “Did anyone share that with you?”

Trish spoke through a tight smile. “I can understand this may be hard for you, but we’re trying to help make a case against those who might have harmed you.”

“Ms. Ruiz's injuries are not up for debate,” Joshua interjected. “She was admitted with bruised ribs, sprained arms, and wounds on her throat all of which were photographed by your team. You also have the reports of the police officers present at the scene and Mr. Carmichael’s confirming her statement. Toxicology came back with drugs in her system. So why are we going back to this?”

“Yes, Trish does have all available information on the case.” Elliott sent a cool gaze to his colleague. “But more questions came up, and we need to have Gia’s answer on record.”

“Like if she was nude and engaged in a sex act at the sex party,” Trish added.

I frowned. “I didn’t consider it a sex act at the time. I played along to stay safe…”

On the boat, I indeed allowed Dane to strip off my clothing and touch me in public at one of their social parties. At the time, I thought I was merely playing a part just to be safe. For the most part, I was right to do so. At least that was what I had thought until now.

“So, you did allow Mr. Westbrook to touch you intimately in front of Mr. Santiago and a room full of men?” Trish prodded. Her voice going up an octave.