“Nox, look at me,” I demand.
He raises his eyes back to mine and I don’t know who is looking back at me, but it isn’t my soft and sweet police officer. It’s that other side of him I’m feral for. My heart beats erratically in my chest, here goes nothing.
“You’re mine, Nox, just as I am yours. But, Ghost is also mine. And when I was lost in thought, I was wondering what it would be like to be at the mercy of both of you. It’s not the first time I’ve thought about it, either. I want you, but I want him too. I understand if you’re not okay with this, but maybe you could just give it a chance to see how it goes…” My voice trails off when I take in the huge grin that’s spreading across his face. “Why are you smiling? Shouldn’t you hate this?”
He slowly shakes his head. “You’re so fucking perfect,” he growls.
That is the only word I get out before his lips crash into mine. This is not the reaction I expected at all, but I shouldn’t overthink it. Maybe he has always wanted a three way and I just made his wildest dreams come true?
Chapter Fifty-Two
Fucking finally. My body vibrates with the need to sink inside her and claim her as mine. As belonging to Lennox Owen Graves. I kiss her like a savage, the wild part of me breaching the surface at her admission. Her wet cunt slides up and down my shaft, priming me to slam inside her.
An ear piercing screech comes from the cab of the truck. I abruptly end our kiss as my head shoots up. My uncle’s guilt ridden voice invades the lust filled air around us. Perfect fucking timing.
“Graves, I hate to do this to you but you need to come back. ASAP. There’s new evidence.” Of course there is. I can’t even be with my girl on the best day of my life. I’m so fucking torn.
“Hey,” her sweet voice coaxes me back to the here and now. She lays helpless beneath me with flushed cheeks and swollen lips. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since the first time I saw Mallory Elizabeth Knight. Something settles inside of me as I take her in. She’s mine. Fully, completely, and irrevocably mine. “It’s okay. Go answer him,” she softly utters and I nod, giving her a quick peck on the lips. I rise, tuck my dick away, then reach in through the open back window of my pick-up to retrieve the radio.
“Captain?” I say into the mic and wait for a reply.
“Yeah, I’m here Lennox.”
“I’m on my way, should be about twenty minutes.”
“10-4,” he says, voice heavy with exhaustion and the weight of our departments unsolved cases.
I drop the radio back in through the window and return to my little siren. I need to tell her the truth, but I have nowhere near enough time right now. I owe it to her to have an unrestricted amount of time to absorb and accept every emotion that will roll through her. As much as I want to spill the truth at her feet, I know I can’t.
The drive back to the police station is quiet. Even though her hand is held in mine, we are both in a different place. My mind races with what this new evidence could be and what will happen when I tell Mallory the truth. Will she hate me? Scream at me? The longer I wait, the more catastrophic her reaction will be. Inner turmoil ravages her mind, I can see it from here. She’s scared to tell Ghost what’s happened. Her feelings are justified, he can be quite the hot head. I know she’s missing him, and I’m fairly certain she thinks his absence is her fault. Obviously it’s not, but how do I tell her that? I haven’t put the mask on in days. I just don’t have the availability to be with her as much as either of us desire.
I back the truck into the parking stall at the precinct and watch as she comes out of whatever thought she was lost in. Without looking at me she asks, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” She looks sullen and I long to make her smile before we part ways.
“Okay with what?” I ask, playing dumb to try to get a reaction out of her. She nibbles on her bottom lip as she tries to find the inner strength needed to confess this for a second time. I turn to her, and with my thumb I tug her lip from beneath her teeth. “I’ll take you any way I can get you. Even if I have to share. Whatever makes you happy, Mallory.”
Her frown turns into a beaming smile as she lunges at me. Throwing her arms around my neck and squeezing me as tight as she can muster. I pull her into my lap and stretch this moment out as long as I can.
“Thank you,” she says.
“Have you told the other guy yet?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
She pulls back from our embrace and shakes her head.
“Why not?”
“He’s been around...but we haven't talked in a few days,” she replies, sadness apparent in the tone of her harmonious voice.
What the fuck does that mean? She must sense my confusion because next she says, “It’s complicated.” The truth is on the tip of my tongue, but I hesitate because it isn’t fair to spring this on her here and now.
She walks me to the precinct doors and gives me a work appropriate kiss goodbye.
“Oh, shit,” she says. My hand pauses on the handle and I turn back to her.