Page 44 of Knot a Thief

Move Ava.

Wearily, I push my hands and toes into the sand and force myself to my feet.

I’m not safe yet. I need to move, to hide, to get as far away from the water as possible.

As I stagger up the beach, one hand pressed to my aching abdomen and the other touches the diamond through my wetsuit, a grim smile tugs at my lips.

Whatever happened on the island, the owner never expected me to get away with the most precious and exquisite diamond in the world. But against all odds, I beat him.

Me, an omega, outwitted the alpha on that island.

Now I know, whatever comes next, I’m ready to face it.

I just wish his scent wasn’t swimming around in my veins. Because despite traveling underwater, his pheromones are coating every inch of me. And I have to stop the part of me that feels like swimming back to the island and finding him, licking him clean of the scent on his skin before I slide myself over his cock.

My eyes roll. I need to get away.

I turn back towards the sea, scanning the horizon. My heart skips a beat as I spot Seb’s boat in the distance.

There’s a sleek, powerful-looking vessel pulling up alongside it. Even from here, I can sense the change in the atmosphere. Something’s happening out there, and I know it’s not good for me.

Adrenaline surges through me again. I need to move fast.

I stumble onto the road, waving frantically at an approaching car. It slows to a stop, and I lean into the driver’s window, my words tumbling out in rushed Spanish.

“Por favor, necesito ir a Marina Santa Eulàlia y luego al puerto de ferry. Le daré mil euros si me puede llevar ahora mismo.”

The driver’s eyes widen at the mention of a thousand euros. He nods quickly, gesturing for me to get in.

The ride is a blur of anxiety, knowing I need to get off this island.

As soon as we reach where the boat is moored at the Marina Santa Eulàlia, I rush to the vessel, my legs still wobbly from the underwater ordeal.

Once aboard, I head straight for the small maintenance hatch near the engine. And with trembling fingers, I pry it open and tuck the diamond securely inside, wedging it behind a tangle of wires where it won’t be easily found.

We have two safes on board. Seb will open one if he’s under duress.

Inside that safe is paperwork, a few thousand euros and a few cheap watches.

The other safe has our expensive items, the Rolex, the Patek Philippe watch, the diamonds, and jewelry we still need to sell. And I should put the diamond in there, but I don’t.

They’ll want the diamond returned. And as they know our vessel. They’re likely to find the other safe, but they’ll only get the ‘Circle of Life’ back in their hands by handing me my beta.

I take two painkillers and drink half a bottle of water before I strip off my wetsuit. Wincing with each movement, it’s not only my sore muscles but the ache in my stomach is also getting worse.

After pushing fresh clothes in a bag, I change into a dry pair of shorts and a tee shirt, before shoving my feet into a pair of Converse.

I wave at the man waiting at the end of the pier, holding two fingers in the air, letting him know I’ll be quick.

Once ready, I open the safe and stuff a wad of cash and my credit card into my pocket, and bite my lip.

I take my leather tote, the one I use on robberies sometimes. The one with a secret compartment that nobody can ever find. I retrieve the Circle of Life and hide it in my tote before I dash back to the waiting car.

My heart is thumping like crazy.

I check my watch as we speed towards the ferry port, before staring ahead.

Once there, I pass the driver the promised money.