Page 37 of Knot a Thief

I’ve remained undetected underwater for the entire journey, the low hum of the scuba jet barely audible. I throttle down to an even lower power as I near the island, my eyes scanning for the perfect landing spot.

Seb’s voice crackles in my earpiece, a comforting presence in the silent underwater world. “Your vitals are a little high. Wait at the rocks for a moment and take a breath, then swim to your right. You’ll find the beach you spotted yesterday.”

I nod, though he can’t see me.

After poring over the map last night, we agreed this was the easiest entry and exit point on the island.

The memory of our planning session, heads bent together over the charts, brings a fleeting smile to my face.

Or perhaps it was the intense fuck we had afterward.

When I reach the rocky enclave, I hover in the water, waiting for Seb’s instructions, but only hearing the gentle lapping of waves against the shore.

“The guard is having a cigarette,” Seb murmurs. His voice is tense, reminding me of the stakes. “If you travel to the rocks to the left of the beach, leave the scuba jet hidden there with the spare snorkel. Then wait for my signal when the guard moves.”

The scuba jet glides silently through the water, barely disturbing the surface. I reach the rocks, my fingers grazing their rough, algae-covered surface as I carefully stow the equipment.

“Are you okay?” Seb’s concern is clear in his voice.

My throat feels tight with anticipation, but I give him the okay sign, hoping the camera picks it up.

“The guard is moving.”

Taking a deep breath, I dive back into the water. The coolness envelops me, calming my nerves as I swim back to the rocky enclave.

Our plan unfolds in my mind: climb the rocks to a makeshift path, possibly an old, secret entry.

I won’t escape that way.

For my exit, I’ll take the easier guard’s route. Two different paths, just in case I’m spotted on the way in.

“You good?” Seb whispers as I scale the rocks. My muscles strain with the effort, but adrenaline courses through my veins, pushing my every step.

When I reach the pathway, I give him a quick salute.

“I’m moving the boat to the west of the island, where I’ll start fishing,” Seb informs me. His voice is steady, but I can hear the underlying worry. “Double-click your watch when you’re finished, and I’ll pick you up. Good luck.”

As Seb’s voice fades, I’m left with the sound of my breathing and the distant crash of waves.

I steel myself for what’s ahead.

Normally, excitement keeps me going, sometimes the monetary outcome. This time, it’s knowing I’m about to steal from possibly the most secure museum in the world.

And the most expensive piece of jewelry.

I’ll be undeniably the greatest thief in the world. Though, I’ll remain like Banksy–anonymous.

There’s a flurry of activity on the island as I stealthily make my way to the museum. Sliding my body against the wall, I twist into the open door.

The tourists to the island must stay for lunch as part of the package as white tablecloths and silverware already adorn the many tables.

I rush to where I know the diamond is.

When at the door to the museum, I place my hand inside my wetsuit and pull out a contraption, sticking it on the wall and smiling when the laser beam lines glimmer ahead.

“It’s surprisingly quiet,” I whisper, then remember that’s why we’re doing this today. The guards on the island are too busy with the flurry of activity on the island to worry about me.

I step inside, before the first red line of light and gasp as I glance around, staring at the sheer amount of tiaras on display.