Page 20 of Knot a Thief

His eyes pierce into mine before he says, “It’s the Circle of Life.”

“No way,” I breathe, sitting up abruptly. “It’s in a museum on Dupont Island, a small island off Ibiza. And it’s priceless.”

“It is.” Surprise coating his voice.

“Dupont Island is possibly the strongest facility in the world.” My voice lifts with each word.

What the hell is he thinking?

Seb nods, his eyes gleaming with the challenge. “I can get you on and off the island.”

“Did you hear me?” I pause, shaking my head. “It’s on an island, for God's sake.”

He smiles. “It’ll be a nightmare of a job and I know only you can do it.”

I smile. “Don’t tempt me like that.” He knows I like the idea of a challenge.

“We can do it.”

“Did you not hear everything I told you?”

“I know you’re tempted.” He grins, letting me know he wants to do this.

“Who’s the job for?”

He grimaces. “A man who is prepared to pay seven and a half million dollars to us – each. I told him there were two people in the operation when we discussed payment.”

“Each?” I tilt my head. “But that’s around six percent of its minimum value of a quarter of a billion dollars. We normally ask for a minimum of ten percent. I’m sure we could request more. It’s the most expensive and unique diamond in the world.”

“I replied with the same,” he says.


“He agreed to thrash out a deal when we meet.”

“It seems too easy.” I narrow my eyes. Suddenly, I have an awful feeling about the job. “We can’t agree to do it until we know who we’re dealing with.” I hesitate for a beat. “Why did he pick us?”

“We’re the best,” he replies without hesitation.

“I’m nervous that someone wants it and wants us to steal it.” The value of the job is making my hands itchy, but we’ve been stung by these high-end jobs before. Lesser value normally means there is a lack of security.

“We’ll research everything about the contact and the island before we go.”

“I’ve actually already checked out the museum.”

Seb arches one eyebrow.

I smile. “It was once my get rich quick scheme.” I didn't tell him I was drawn to the island and the reason I picked the Balearic Islands to live when I left Garrett.

“You’re already rich.”

I chuckle. “Okay, it was going to be a vanity steal. I wanted to prove to myself I was a decent enough thief to steal it after seeing it listed as the most expensive piece of jewelry in the world.”

“What changed your mind?” he asks.

“I wasn’t ready.”

“And now you are. From my research, there is the usual laser system, but I can walk you through that as normal. And the necklace itself has a secret locking system on the cage.”