“And if she chooses one of us over the other?” Max asks.
“She’s an omega. She’ll choose both of her scent matches when she’s ready. But—” I take a deep breath. “We respect her decision. And if that happens, the other steps back, but remains in her life. For Lily and the baby’s sake, and for the sake of the pack.”
Max considers this, then slowly extends his hand. “Here’s to winning Ava’s heart, together.”
I reach out and grip his hand. “Together,” I agree.
As we shake hands, a glimmer of hope lights up inside me.
“Now,” I say, releasing his hand, “we just need to figure out how we win her stubborn heart.”
Max laughs, a determined gleam in his eye. “And when we do, we’ll show her she has a place here. With us, with Lily, with the pack.”
“And Seb?”
Max sighs as he watches a laughing Lily chasing Ava around the garden. “If that’s what it takes. Though he might shoot us the next time he sees us.”
“Do we tell her we want her to stay and we’ll accept Seb, too?” I ask.
Max shakes his head. “Not yet. We’ve got a lot of making up to do first.”
I’m not sure that I agree with Max, but right now I have to trust he knows what he’s doing.
I can’t help but picture Ava reading to Lily again. The two of them curled up together. It’s an image that fills me with so much longing that I’ll take it with me to my grave.
And I’ll do whatever it takes to make that image a reality again.
Later that day, I’m checking the cameras and spot Ava and Lily walking around the garden. Lily’s legs are wrapped around Ava’s waist and her arms are around her neck.
Ava points beyond Ibiza, to Majorca. I presume, she’s telling her where she lives.
“She’s locked up on this island but never grumbles to Lily,” Max says, standing beside me and watching the screen.
“What are you saying?”
Max sighs, his eyes fixed on Ava. “Everything you said earlier was correct. And I’ve made too many mistakes already.” He turns to me. “I want her Silas. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. I should’ve told her. I should’ve made this about her and not a baby.”
I nod, understanding the weight of his words. “It’s not too late for either of us.”
We continue to watch the monitor, my heart swelling at the sight of Ava and Lily together. Ava’s gentle movements, the way she points out to the horizon, explaining something to my daughter with such gentleness.
Lily drops her head on Ava’s shoulder and says something I can’t pick up on. Ava replies and I wish there was a microphone nearby to pick up the conversation.
Lily wipes a tear from Ava’s cheek.
It’s so beautiful to witness that my heart aches with a longing I so desperately need.
We stand in silence for a moment, both of us watching Ava and Lily on the screen. The love and care radiating from Ava is undeniable, and I wish I could bottle this moment.
“We need to do something,” I say finally. “Something to show her we see her. I don’t mean as an omega or a potential mother, but as Ava. Make her realize how much she wants this. Wants us.”
Max nods, a small smile forming on his face. “What if we set up a surprise for her?”
I feel a spark of excitement at the idea. “Didn’t your brother say she used to love baking? That she used to bake all the time with her sister, Ella. And Lily’s always asking to make cakes.”
“She also loves stealing and fancy shiny objects.” I laugh.
“I think Ava is more down to earth than she’ll ever admit.” Max’s eyes light up. “We’ll set up a baking station for her and Lily. Show her we’re paying attention to what she loves, not just what we want from her.” He laughs. “If she hates it, we’ll hide the jewels around the island and let her find them.”