To clatter against the icy floor at our feet.“Enough!” Lucca seethes at Ilyov as he makes a cutting gesture. His power flares, scalding in terrible bright rainbows through the Moon Dome as Quinn’s Revenant surges at the sudden commotion.

Watching us with its intense red stare.

“It’s enough when I say it’s enough, boy.” Master Ilyov is as icy as the tundra as he lifts an eyebrow at Lucca, a chill wind surging off him. I’m just as exhausted as Lucca, and have been sleeping poorly since we arrived, plagued by nightmares of the Gold Eyes. As I rub my neck, setting my icicle wand aside on its velvet pad, I watch Lucca and Ilyov face off.

Too tired to intervene.

“This isn’t working!” Lucca gestures to Quinn’s Revenant. “We’re not even one bit closer to figuring out how to stop the Gold Eyes’ influence in our magic, or bring back Quinn. Ever since our first session, this has been a waste of time.”

“Pick that up,” Ilyov says with dangerous quiet as he nods at the wand at Lucca’s feet. “Go again.”

“No.” Lucca crosses his arms, seething as he stares Ilyov down. “I’m done. We need to rest. Ariana can barely keep her feet, she’s so tired from all this bullshit.”

“I’m fine, Lucca.” Even as I say it, a massive yawn escapes me. I feel exhausted to my bones and sink into the nearest scroll-backed settee now, as I set my chin in my hand.

Just letting Lucca and Ilyov go at it, at last.

“None of you will be fine if your enemies come for you without you mastering your power first.” Ilyov’s winter winds whirl with a darker fury at Lucca’s stubbornness. “You came to me because you need my teaching. Now. Pick that up.”

“No. I’m done for the night. And so is Ariana.” Lucca raises his chin, then comes to get me from my settee. “Come on. We’re heading back to the apartment.”

“Don’t bother. I’m done with you both.” Master Ilyov waves a hand dismissively now as he bends to pick up the icicle wand Lucca discarded, then bundles it up with the other one. With an icy glare and a wave of his hand, he’s gone, disappeared in his wintery winds. As I blink at his sudden departure and his abrupt statement, dread raises its ugly head inside me.

“Lucca. Do you think he meant he’s done with us? As in, entirely?” I ask, as that terrible feeling takes my heart.

“I’m sure he just meant until tomorrow.” Even I see how Lucca’s brows draw down in a concerned frown, however, that he might have just ruined our chances with the temperamental Master Ilyov for good.

“I don’t even know if that disappoints me or relieves me.” I sigh hard, rubbing my face. I feel drained, deep within, though my heart still churns that this latest development with Master Ilyov doesn’t bode well. “I think I need some quiet time. This has all just been… too much.”

“We’re not making any progress. I feel like we’re just getting worse, the more tired we get. And the more days pass without us helping Quinn.” Lucca flops to a seat upon the settee with me.

Leaning back, he pulls me in as he stretches his long legs out. I cuddle close; though Lucca kisses my temple, it’s like our libidos have been doused with ice-cold water ever since we came here. Neither of us has been in the mood for anything more than just kissing and quiet touch. As Lucca rests his lips against my forehead, I feel his deep sigh.

Exhausted to his bones, just like me.

“I need to get some sleep,” he says, as he kisses me. “Are you going to stay here with Quinn, or would you like to come back with me?”

“I think I’ll stay here for a little bit,” I say, as I feel moonlight and glance up, seeing it bright, high above. “I might just sit in the moonlight a while, since this space is more invigorating than anyplace else we’ve found in the citadel.”

Lucca and I have done little exploring in the city, just a few places here and there where Curio’s dragged us in-between sessions with his father. Though I get the sense both Curio and Clariss have been speaking to Ilyov, asking him to be patient with us, even their influence on him is wearing thin. I don’t know how much longer he’ll try to teach us; that thought breaks me even more than anything else these past days, as I sigh hard and Lucca kisses me again.

“Can I have Ilyov’s people bring you anything?” Lucca whispers his lips over my brow. “Food? Drink?”

“Maybe some paints, brushes, and an easel. With wine,” I say with a sad smile. “The moon is so bright tonight, I might just revel in it and practice a few more sigils before I come to bed.”

“Alright.” Lucca helps me up by the hands, then draws me in for a proper kiss. Though it’s luscious, his lips soft and decadent like always, there’s something lacking in it with our hearts so broken for Quinn. As Lucca kisses me, I kiss him back, but it’s like the passion just isn’t in us. We set our foreheads together, and with a wry smile, Lucca nods at the doors.

“I’ll be at our home. Come back soon.”

“I will.” I smile at him as he leaves, though my heart is still heavy.

A short while later, a few of Ilyov’s people arrive with art supplies and a bottle of wine, plus a platter of cheese and strange white moon-fruits that grow here, reminiscent of quince and plums. I direct them where to put it, then move close to Quinn’s enclosure as they depart. I find a spot where the moon shines down, far above the ice dome. Setting up my easel and brushes, I ready my paints.

Then pause, as I suddenly don’t want to make another Faeanic sigil for the rest of my life.

It’s just the exhaustion talking, I know. Still, something inside me doesn’t want to do anything more with magic tonight; feeling the fullness of the moon glowing softly above, I look up, then at last feel motivated to paint.

What comes out on my paper aren’t Faeanic sigils; it’s just the glow of the moon far above, and the scudding of the midnight clouds that I capture as I work. I take the first moonscape off the easel to dry now and start another. I feel Quinn’s Revenant watching me as I paint. It’s ceased to disturb me, how it watches me all the time, as if just waiting for the right moment to escape and drain the life from me.