“It was right to let them go,” Quinn says as a deep sobriety takes him. “They would have hated me if they felt enthralled to me. I couldn’t have that. The Gold Eyes himself is enough of an adversary.”

“From what Bredei said in her acknowledgement of you last night,” I say, remembering the Pict Vampire whose name we now know, “it seems like the others might return to you, and us, if our need was significant enough.”

“Perhaps.” A faraway look has taken Quinn’s eyes now as his energy churns in endless plans. “A good war general does not count on such things, however. Of all the Master Vampires I thought were my allies, only Gunter came through for us when we needed him—out of over a hundred Master Vampires who I thought were our allies, who come for the Meeting of the Havens and the Bloodstone event each year.”

“That’s not entirely fair.” I roll to him, touching his face and smoothing my thumb over his austere cheek. “The Council attacked Eiseth’s Dark Haven up in Britain, same as happened to both Gunter’s people and Master Ilyov’s. The Council targeted the Masters they knew were your strongest supporters, those who could drain the Bloodstone. We have yet to hear from the rest, but it’s possible they were all attacked, too. This was a coordinated hit, Quinn, thanks to the Romeros being patsies for the Council to spy on your dealings. They knew exactly whom the Council should target to wipe out your strongest support. And they went for it. Hard.”

“The Romeros got away.” Quinn growls now, as he sets the empty chianti bottle aside and helps himself to another chocolate, biting it viciously. “I didn’t kill them with that blast of Light that came from you and Lucca while they were dining with Florian. Just as it didn’t kill Florian, since his Master’s aura was too powerful. They got singed, but fled the Red Letter Hotel Florence before the fighting began, retreating to their own Dark Haven in Valencia to regroup. My sources there have confirmed it.”

“Too bad,” I say, meaning it as a snarl rises inside me also, for the traitors Quinn thought were his allies. “I want to make them dance a jig and sing for their lives, and see how they like it.”

“Patience, Ariana.” Quinn kisses my forehead, though I can feel the vicious smile on his lips as he says it. “They’ll get their due. In time.”

“Right now, we need to just revel in the fact that we won. That’s good enough, for the moment.” Lucca reaches to a different side table, grabbing a bottle of Quinn’s finest prosecco now and opening it.

Lucca and I take deep swigs from this bottle as Quinn watches us—though I soon find this particular bottle of prosecco has extra-special properties of which I was not aware.

As a sexy, all-consuming aphrodisiac sensation flows through me now, heating my limbs with languid pleasure and making me throb down below with the most delicious ache, Quinn chuckles, his dark eyes devious and filled with fire.

“You both should know, this particular prosecco is special.” Quinn gently takes the bottle away as Lucca moans now, like whatever is happening to me is hitting him tenfold. “I had only three bottles of it made, and I was saving one for when we were finally back in each other’s arms as a trio again, after winning the day against the Council. We haven’t done that yet.”

“You have two bottles of it left,” Lucca protests, as a desirous fire burns in his bright blue eyes and he makes a swipe at the bottle in Quinn’s hand.

“I have only one bottle, after this one,” Quinn corrects, as he gets a devious smile on his full lips and has himself a swig. “Florian consumed one—damn him to the seven hells. So after this one and one other, that’s it.”

“Still, we have one we can drink right now.” I make a swipe also for this most delicious bottle of aphrodisiacal prosecco, and Quinn lets me have it. His onyx eyes glow with his deep Fae fire as he watches me drink it.

And drink and drink—a scorching heat devouring me down below.

“Slowly, my beloved.” Quinn chuckles, as he takes the bottle gently from me and hands it back to Lucca. Like me, Lucca drinks hard. A roaring heat seethes all through him now as his Fae wings expand from his back—ready and able to have another go.

Quinn doesn’t protest, just takes the bottle when Lucca’s done and has himself another drink. Pinning me with his glorious darkfire eyes, he drinks, and drinks, and drinks.

Then downs it—setting the finished bottle aside.

“Anyone ready for another fuck?” Quinn asks now, as that incredible darkfire heat burns all through him now, lighting up his Dark Fae wings and aura like a wild blaze as they roll out from him.

On fire with passion and lust.

“I’m ready,” I say breathlessly, as new wetness slicks everything down below and my heart pounds so hard I think it might just jump from my chest. We’ve already had two lovemakings today; one was sleepy this morning, and one was a hard fuck this afternoon. Now that it’s night yet again, however, a beautiful twilight I can still see deepening all around us through Quinn’s cathedral-like vaults high above, I feel our trio’s Dark Fae energy rise hard.

Because a Vampire’s time is the night, and a Fae’s time is the day. But our time is the twilight, as we bask in that indeterminate moment between night and day.

As Quinn rolls lithely to me now, on fire with his Mentale Dark Fae black smoke and searing red-gold heat, I raise up to my elbows, expecting him. My own Animante Dark Fae shadow-rainbows flicker with gold and silver fire, and Quinn’s red-gold flames, as my wings unfurl and Quinn crawls on his knees to me upon the bed. Lucca’s intensely bright-hot rainbows scorch me now as his Cuorante Dark Fae energy sears from his back in his own beautiful wings.

Blazing all colors of light and dark now, as he comes to my back.

Quinn presses against my front now, all of us up on our knees on the bed. Quinn’s sexy forcefulness traps me back against Lucca; seizing my hips, Lucca pulls me back hard now into his flawless, rock-solid body.

He kisses me slow, up and down my neck as he kneads me. It steals my breath, as Quinn echoes him, doing the same thing on the other side of my neck as his hot-cool hands knead my waist. But Quinn adds little pain-pricks from his bite.

Making me gasp, as everything burns molten inside me.

“This one, we do slow. Until it’s time to go fast.” Quinn takes the reins of our lovemaking now, like always. Biting and kissing his way down the side of my neck, he rubs his immaculately honed body against mine, until he goes so low he is forced to move back. Kissing the tops of my breasts, he makes his way down one breast as Lucca kneads my waist and kisses my neck. Holding my hips now with his strong hands, Quinn brings me towards him.

As he sucks one nipple into his mouth.

Quinn is an expert at sucking my nipples; I moan and flush as he works me now, making me arch back into Lucca. Lucca traps me to him by the waist as Quinn holds my hips. I can’t even think about escaping their powerful hands and bodies as Lucca’s wicked fingers slide down now, easing in along my hip crease.