Before turning to the returned Revenants—who wait with hooded, dark eyes all around the shadows of my rooms.
“You are free.” I speak quietly to them, even as I find the small Pict woman and the tall, gaunt man in their midst. “You have been freed from Revenance by my trio’s Music; now, I set you free from any sense of obligation you feel towards me or them. I believe in the right of all to live their lives. Go, if you wish. But know there will always be a place for you here at the Dark Haven of Florence. For what you have done this day… and how you have helped us.”
As the returned Revenants stare at me, I feel an ancient wind of release sweep them. And then they’re turning to dark smoke, whirling out through the gables and towering eaves of my apartment as the long day finally deepens towards night through the crystal vaults above.
Though I sigh to see them go, feeling the loss of their tremendous support, I look down to see three still standing before me. Though seven had pledged to me initially, it seems they have business elsewhere, now that this battle is over.
But the small Pict woman, the tall, gaunt man with red eyes, and a willowy woman so pale I know at once she was an ancient Spring Fae, still stand with me in my rooms. As one, they set their hands to their hearts.
And the Pict woman speaks.
“We wish to stay. Though the others go where they will, they have heard your words. You honor us, Quindici DaPonti. And that honor shall not be forgotten… come what may.”
Though I don’t understand her words exactly, I feel her deep honesty. I nod, acknowledging her statement and her commitment, along with the two others.
As I finally take a deep breath, gazing around the crowded room, and how many are beyond in the hall next to my apartments, I see how many faces we’ve saved today. To build something better than just a Vampire’s Dark Haven, as we create it from our deepest hearts.
And from our true love, at last.
Quinn, Lucca, and I fall to the bed in exhausted delight as our most recent lovemaking ends. A fast, hard romp, we give exhausted laughs and cuddle now as we eat and drink in bed. We fuck in brand-new black silk sheets in Quinn’s massive ebony bed, up in his lofted bedroom.
A newer, more massive bed than the one that was here before, Quinn’s replaced his old ebony bed with an even bigger one. The old bed smelled of Florian; Quinn hadn’t even thought twice as he’d thrown that one over the wrought-iron railing.
To smash upon the stone floor below.
The smooth silk over my naked skin feels decadent now; but not as decadent as my two naked men cuddled close to me. Quinn rolls to his back to reach out for some chianti on a table nearby, drinking straight from the bottle before he hands it to Lucca and me.
“Gods! It feels good to finally win.” Quinn heaves in exhausted delight as we take a moment to recuperate from our third lovemaking since taking back the Red Letter Hotel Florence yesterday. After re-Kissing all of Quinn’s rescued Vampires to him last night, plus Florian’s, we tumbled into bed with only a quick reunion lovemaking before falling fast asleep in each other’s arms.
This morning was more languid as we woke up together, safe and home. Business called all day, however, as Quinn organized a takeover of the Dark Haven of Monaco, aided by the three returned Revenants who’ve stayed with us. There was hardly any fight at all. Only a handful of Florian’s most loyal minions gave Quinn’s forces any trouble.
The rest throwing down arms the moment Quinn’s people arrived.
It’s a resounding win for Quinn and the Dark Haven of Florence. Even Pisa has been re-secured now, everyone re-Kissed to Quinn. For some reason, the Vampire Council removed all their tactical support from Pisa’s halls before our people got there. It’s puzzling, but it’s still a win.
We’ll take it.
“Those three returned Revenants really did you a solid today,” Lucca concurs as we all drink wine now and snuggle, “taking the Dark Haven of Monaco on your behalf and getting things back in line at Pisa.”
“All of that would have taken me at least a week to organize and execute. As it is, we’ve secured three important Dark Havens in hardly a day. Before the Council can regroup and make a countermove against us.” Quinn nods as he takes the bottle, drinking deep, then leaning back to fetch a plate of chocolates. We each take one, though Quinn takes two. His appetite for food and drink is still far more than when he thought he was a Vampire.
Not to mention the passionate appetites of two other Dark Fae bound to him now—plus far more in his new Dark Haven of Florence.
“A good day, all in all,” I say, though my heart still grieves for Arturos. He betrayed Quinn, but he did everything he could to make up for it.
Even sacrificing his life—to get a single hit on the Gold Eyes.
That hit has shown us the Gold Eyes isn’t untouchable; I feel Quinn stew now, as he thinks about Arturos as well. Quinn knows what an incredible gift that was, that Arturos gave his life to show us the Gold Eyes could be harmed.
Now, we have a chance to go on the offense with that odious creature, instead of always being ten steps behind. As I wonder if the Gold Eyes has taken any lasting damage, I feel Lucca and Quinn wonder the same thing.
And what we might do to kill it, at last.
“If we still had all the returned Revenants, we might have some hope of facing off with the Gold Eyes.” Lucca takes up Quinn’s and my train of thought, sharing our minds more common now that we are all back together.