“I believe there may be… a resonance, happening between the Music we create and the Revenants who are returned by it,” Quinn says now. “You heard Luliana; she feels a strange pull to come help us in our hour of need. Not because of any bonds we hold over her, but because of the power of our love, which liberated her from her Revenance. It makes her feel… something beautiful, which she wishes to be near. Not only does she wish to be close to us, so she can feel that light, but she also feels compelled to help it thrive. I believe this may be the key to getting our people back. And helping everyone we care about along the way.”
“But we’re not able to control the Music much right now, Quinn,” Lucca says, as he frowns. “After everything that happened with the Gold Eyes and the Vampire Council, it’s been erratic at best, and only comes when we’re in a deeply vulnerable, heartfelt state. It’s not useful at the moment, to return more Revenants and build an army.”
“Not to mention what that might do for the Gold Eyes, if we do it in ambition and not in true love,” I add, knowing how deeply truthful and honest we have to be with each other now, to make our real Music flare, free of the Gold Eyes’ influence.
“I agree.” Quinn glances at me and Lucca. “It has, however, returned many Revenants already.”
“Seven of whom are trapped inside the Red Letter Hotel Florence,” Devina growls with fury, “Kissed to Florian Delano by now, thanks to his takeover. Those who did not go to our enemies’ Dark Havens, or to other places far around the globe, which we cannot summon at a moment’s notice.”
“The returned Revenants who remained at our Dark Haven may have Kissed to Florian… but perhaps they are not taken. Not entirely,” Quinn says with subtle cunning, as I feel his heart glow. As I feel it, Lucca gives him a deep look, feeling the same beautiful expansion from Quinn.
Because Quinn is hopeful about everything Luliana just told us. It’s given him not just an idea, but an entire plan, that I feel spinning through his mind now. It’s moving so fast through him, I can’t parcel out the details. But Quinn can, with his formidable mind back on track.
And that’s all that matters.
“Quinn.” I lift an eyebrow at him. “What are you planning?”
“Something vastly idiotic. And perhaps, truly remarkable,” Quinn says with a genuine smile on his face now. He wraps an arm around me, tucking me to his side. “Come, friends. Let us bother the house for some food, and invite Illyria and Adicus Summers into our conference, and Bello Bellissimo. I believe I have a plan that can get us everything we desire—to liberate those we love from tyranny, and perhaps even save ourselves. It starts with a tremendous gambit, however. Tell me… are you all familiar with the human story of the ancient city of Troy? And the tale of the Trojan horse?”
As Quinn leads us over to the living room in the main guest suite, I know he’s got one hell of a plan. And it’s going to take everything we have to accept it.
Though it might just get us everything we want.
Quinn, Lucca, and I stand in a grassy field on my parent’s property as the sun sets the next evening. Though Quinn wanted to start preparations for his new plan last night, it had been early morning by the time we finished discussing everything; far too late.
It’s taken us all day to rest and prepare for tonight’s events. As my parents return to our group now, they nod that the warding around the perimeter of the field is finished.
As the last of the sun’s rays wink out through the woods at the western edge of the field, I feel night descend. The intense Summer Fae wards my parents have cast in a massive ring around the field shimmer as the twilight hits them.
Creating whorls of rainbow-tinged light, as they repel all outsiders.
Those wards don’t just repel anyone curious about what’s going on here; they’ve also been cast to contain the massive amounts of magical energy that will be used here soon. Even though we’re hidden now from prying eyes, we have dismissed all human help from the property tonight, just in case. Not only that, but we’re also sealed in by my parent’s wards, until all this is over.
Because tonight, Quinn’s going to re-bond all his Dark Fae to him with his Master’s Kiss, forming an entirely new Dark Haven no one’s ever really seen before.
Even as Queen Luliana Ouros attempts to pull Gold Eyes’ Bloodsigns out of Arturos.
It’s big magic happening tonight; Lucca, Alleno, Bello Bellissimo, and I stand in the center of the field with my parents now, along with Altenni, who fluffs down beside us like she never wants to let Lucca out of her sight again. Quinn is nearby as he prepares to re-bond all his Dark Fae to him, standing in a large circle around us in the field.
Quinn inhales deep in the settling evening as he takes in his hundred Dark Fae, pensive. No one is sure how this is going to go and Quinn is no exception; us brighter Fae are needed to support the barrier tonight, to contain whatever strange magic happens next.
It’s completely uncharted territory, what we’re attempting tonight. But Quinn has Kissed Dark Fae to him before using Vampire rituals; a sense of wary intention moves through him now as he focuses. As he surveys everyone who has been hiding out in the magically hidden safe house, including Curio and Devi, I feel him prepare for what’s about to happen, fixing his mind on success.
But Quinn has never done Vampire bonding ceremonies without being in a Vampire place of power before. As Fae energy breathes all around us now, the land consecrated by my parents and warded by their sigils, not to mention the distinct lack of tombs or a cemetery anywhere on the property, I feel how it’s going to be challenging for Quinn to hold his Night energy strong here.
But he’s surrounded by a hundred Dark Fae who are all Mentale, like him. They hold the Night highest in their magic, as does Quinn.
As the night itself breathes all around us now, bolstering their power.
We’re about to dive in. Devi and Curios have prepped all of Quinn’s people for how this will go tonight. Lucca, Alleno, Bello, my parents, and I have been prepped, too, so we know what’s coming; the Master’s Kiss ceremony is not terribly complex, but it is exceedingly different from how Quinn and I bonded via his Master’s Kiss months ago when I was almost dead.
For me, an insane sexual resonance opened between us because of our Dark Fae powers recognizing each other as lifemates. For most, the Master’s Kiss is a stately thing of power, commitment, and a deep bonding of their Night, rather than anything so wild or overtly sexual.
But Quinn has the Light in him, too, as do all these Dark Fae around us. Not only that, but Quinn’s bound to Lucca and me; because of us, he has far more of his Light in his magic than he ever did previously. Though he knows these steps, nobody really knows how this will all wind up, as actual Dark Fae don’t bind themselves into Dark Havens like Vampires do.