“It is a dark thing.” She scowls, and the look is like a warrior-queen of old, though she wears only a simple white cotton sundress. “A Revenant’s dreams are dark… but he makes them darker—empty, with his nearness. Beware him. For his ancient influence is great, with the things he orchestrates and knows. It was he who trapped me inside that statue, confined and writhing to get out. It was he who trapped me into my Revenant, long ago… because I would not acquiesce to his plans.”
“What were his plans?” I ask now, because this is a familiar story. We’ve heard it from Master Ilyov also that the Gold Eyes punishes those who refuse to obey him. He didn’t turn Ilyov into a Revenant, but killing Ilyov’s wife basically led to the same thing.
Just like Luliana.
“He wanted me to resurrect the Dark Haven of the Deeps for him.” Luliana has a snarl in her voice now, though the song-like sound of her voice makes it a beautiful, terrible harmony, like hurricane waves smashing against a rocky shore. “I was a Master of my kind, back then. I could take any Siren and Sire them into becoming Vampire like me, but keep most of their Siren talents. The Gold Eyes came when I was Queen of that Haven. He attacked us and devastated us—then captured me and tried to force me to take his Bloodsigns as a bond, so I would turn other Sirens and make him an army of my kind, imbued with his own heartless taint in my veins. I wouldn’t do it, and I was too powerful for him to compel me. So he overwhelmed me with my terrible memories of battle, and all the kin I had lost. Then I was gone to my Revenant, as he laughed—leaving to torture some other creature into his terrible sways.”
“You can Sire other Vampire-Sirens? And the Gold Eyes couldn’t?” Arturos has gone ashen at Luliana’s words.
“Yes.” She turns to him, cocking her head curiously. “Why?”
“Damn that bastard…!” Arturos’ growl is terrible, woebegone, as he risks a glance at Quinn. Quinn watches him, but I know what’s going on. Arturos betrayed Quinn, thanks to a promise the Gold Eyes said he could deliver on—to give Arturos the ability to Sire more Vampire-Sirens like himself, so he could rebuild the fabled Dark Haven of the Deeps.
Yet here we are, standing before the ancient Queen of that Dark Haven, telling us the Gold Eyes didn’t have the power to make more of her kind. Not only that, but Quinn’s, Lucca’s, and my magic had already freed her from the Bloodstone when Arturos rushed off to make a deal with the devil.
When all he needed to do was simply have a long talk with Luliana.
It’s a terrible revelation for Arturos, that not only did the Gold Eyes play him like a fiddle, promising him only lies, but that the solution to what Arturos wanted was right under his nose this whole time. I see him swallow hard, as he glances at me and Lucca.
Then looks back to Quinn, desperation in his eyes.
“Quinn, I?—”
“No.” Quinn pins Arturos with onyx eyes dark as black holes. “You made your choice. You made a deal with that creature rather than trusting your allies to hold you in your sorrows and find a solution with you. You betrayed not just me but all of us… and this is the outcome. I will not hear your regrets. I saved you from death by the Vampire Council when we were attacked in Florence because of the history we once shared. No more. As long as the Gold Eyes’ Bloodsigns live within you, you will always do its bidding, whether or not you want to. It is that exact problem Ariana, Lucca, and I delve into our deepest innermost darkness to solve now, because we were all taken unawares by the Gold Eyes’ bonds, and wish to break free of them. You took them on voluntarily, all because you were too ashamed you couldn’t Sire more of your unique bloodline to create a family of your own. When a family that loved you was right before you—and you betrayed it. Utterly.”
Quinn’s chastisement is like the last nail in an iron coffin, as Arturos goes so white I think he might faint. As he gives a slow nod, I feel his power roil in a terrible agony—and a sudden defiance.
He says nothing, but his gaze strays to me, as if he feels me able to read his innermost power and emotions right now. Arturos drank my blood right after everything went down with Quinn and the Vampire Council—that act created some kind of bond between us, via my Dark Fae magic, letting me feel his torment now.
It’s not the same bond I have with Lucca and Quinn. It’s there, however, as Arturos’ dark blue gaze pins mine and I feel a sudden resonance between our magics.
I will make this right. I swear it. I hear Arturos’ clear voice in my mind. He gives Quinn one last nod before sweeping a low bow to the rest of us and making his exit.
He leaves Luliana behind. She turns back to our group with one eyebrow arched, as judgemental as the rest of us at what Arturos has done. As Quinn inhales a deep breath, sighing out hard, the rest of us echo it. He turns back to Luliana; one more question still unanswered.
“Queen Luliana Ouros of the Dark Haven of the Deeps. Have you any idea if the other Revenants we returned at the Bloodstone event feel as you do? Or have any history with the Gold Eyes, like yourself?”
“I do not.” She gives a sad smile now. “Revenants do not communicate with words, or with mortal thoughts any longer. They are instinctual things, and only communicate thusly, especially when there is a kill to be made. I did not speak with any of those who had been returned while I was at the Dark Haven of Florence. It was… too painful.”
“I understand.” Quinn is gracious as he nods, then executes a formal bow, his hand on his heart. Luliana smiles then; truly smiles as Quinn does her honor. Her radiance is unparalleled as she beams.
Then walks up to Quinn, kissing him gently on the lips.
She has a kiss for me, as well, then one for Lucca. As we all stand riveted by her sudden blessing, she places her hand on her own heart.
“Fear not.” She gazes around our group. “For I know a ceremony to pull the Gold Eyes’ Bloodsigns out of a Vampire who has made a deal with him; I did it many times when I was Queen of the Deeps. For the Gold Eyes tried many avenues then, to ensnare our people, before he came to me and started a war. Your sad-hearted Siren is not empty like that creature. He loves you and would redeem himself. If you care for him to be redeemed?”
“That is his choice, not mine,” Quinn says.
Though I feel a deep hope flash inside him, that Arturos might be freed of the Gold Eyes’ influence.
“I shall speak with him… and we shall see.” The Queen of the Deeps gives an acknowledging nod. With the tiniest flash of a smile, she turns, stepping out the door in a wave of grace. Her movement is so fluid, it’s like she’s not even walking away, but floating on the ocean as she departs. She’s gone, the door closed now, and I blink to realize I barely saw her go. As if her very presence is so mesmerizing it leaves the witness stunned, I shake my head now to clear it.
As Quinn turns back to us—his energy roaring with plans.
“Friends.” Quinn glances at each of us, pinning everyone with his formidable, excited gaze before he moves on to the next. “We have heard fascinating things tonight; things I believe may enable us to get the Dark Haven of Florence back. And indeed, perhaps even aid Lucca’s rebellion and the Dark Fae, as we fight the Gold Eyes himself.”
“How so, Quinn?” Lucca’s brows furrow, though he’s not angry, just thoughtful as he listens.