“They’re telling me… to discover true love. And to come find them, to read them.” Quinn’s gaze suddenly fixes on me. “They want me to figure out how to orchestrate them, how to wield specific sigils, or in phrase-groups… to undo the Gold Eyes’ will in our world, at last.”

As Quinn gives this pronouncement of what he’s seeing and experiencing in the Ascendant’s Realm, Lucca and I inhale. I know something about our ability to create the Music and Ascendant’s Sigils just changed because of what Quinn’s experienced.

Though I have no idea what it is, just yet.



Ariana, Quinn, and I rest for the remainder of the day. Adicus and Illyria are gracious hosts; they neither disrupt us, nor push us to interact with them, as we take downtime to recuperate. In our rooms, we eat lunch in the central area and have afternoon coffee out on the balcony. After Quinn’s release and how it catapulted him into some strange vision about how the Music works in the Ascendant Realm, Quinn mostly sleeps.

Between naps, he wakes to devour food in a way I haven’t seen him eat since he was Summer Fae. After stealing a few kisses, he falls back to sleep again; I don’t blame him, as Ariana and I are similarly exhausted, though we haven’t been through nearly as much as Quinn in the past week.

Though I’ve ignored it most of the day to be present with my beloveds, my own situation weighs on me now. I linger at the open balcony door as the sun lowers over the trees by the house, on its way to setting.

And stew, as I churn with a frustrated darkness.

“Lucca? I felt you churning while I was in the shower. What are you thinking about?” Ariana cuddles to my back now, wrapping her arms around me.

I turn, moving her to my side and tucking her under my arm so we can be closer as we cuddle. Dressed in a forest green silk bathrobe with her wet red hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, being clean and somewhat disheveled is a winsome look on her. We kiss decadently for a moment, before my heart twists from everything I’m worrying about and I sigh, setting my forehead against hers.

“I think I need to go take a walk and clear my head a little.” I look out over the forested grounds of the Summers estate. “Care to join me?”

“I actually want to have a conversation with my parents tonight during dinner, since Quinn’s still sleeping,” Ariana nods at the bed, then looks back at me apologetically. “I haven’t seen them in a long while, or talked with them much. And there’s so much we need to talk about.”

“Of course.” I nod, nuzzling her nose. “Would you like company for dinner with your parents?”

“I think I’d… like to talk to them alone, actually.” A slight flush steals over her face, making her lovely jade eyes vivid. “Are you alright to walk alone?”

“I’m fine.” I smile as I kiss her lips. “Besides, I have a feeling I won’t be alone for long.”

“Alleno’s probably itching to accost you the moment you leave this room.” Ariana cocks her head at me. “Are you ready to talk with him, about everything with the Summer Fae?”

“I’m always ready to talk with my cousin.” I am honest, knowing it’s true. “He’s always been a good sounding board for me, when I need to hash things out.”

“Things concerning your rebellion, and your father.” Ariana gazes up at me, understanding. “Do you know what you’re going to do about all that yet?”

“No clue.” I shake my head as my moodiness envelops me again. “Which is why I should probably take a walk and let nature soothe me… before my Darkwatch shadow finds me.”

“I’ll be here.” Ariana steps to my front, wrapping her arms around me. “Either downstairs talking to my parents, which you are welcome to interrupt at any point, or back upstairs here with Quinn. Sleeping.”

“I think we’ll all need a lot of sleep in the coming days. If we can get it,” I say wryly now, though it’s also honest.

Ariana lifts to her toes and kisses me, lingering this time at the open balcony door. Then she squeezes my hand, giving me a caring smile as she goes back towards the bathroom to finish cleaning up for dinner with her family.

I want to be at that dinner. Some part of me wants to prove to Adicus and Illyria that I’m a good match for their daughter, and how much I care for her.

But Ariana asked to speak with her parents alone, at least for a while, and I need to go clear my head tonight. Springing up to the wrought-iron balcony rail rather than head back inside and bother Ariana’s family, I jump lightly down to a first-floor balcony, then land on the wide stone porch.

It’s evening already, the golden late-summer hues here on the human side of Florence gradually dying to cool blues and deeper greens as autumn arrives to claim the land. As I leave the manor, I skirt the horse barn and hound-house, heading out along a field of lavender bushes and purple echinacea as I ruminate.

The fresh evening wind stirs me and I revel in it as I walk in my human clothes, courtesy of the Summers household. One of Adicus’ tan, summer-weight slacks and vest combos fits me well with a crisp white shirt beneath, stylish russet men’s shoes on my feet.

It’s similar to outfits I’ve worn myself whenever I’ve come to the human world against my father’s edicts. Though I went on those sojourns dozens of times, it never fails to amaze me how beautifully simple a world without magic is.

Even as my heart twists in knots, missing my true home.

The wind gusts across the fields; I inhale deeply now as I revel in the late summer scent, filled with Illyria’s healing herbs and flowers. I always knew our First Spear had a talent for battle salves and healing draughts, while Adicus was always the consummate friend to animals of all kinds in the Darkwatch.