As I speak to Quinn’s Revenant, I feel it nod—and see it for real this time. As I pour my last glass, the bottle now empty, I see how Quinn’s dark eyes stay with me. I sip it, reveling in every drop. The moonlight fills me along with the taste of the wine as I use my Dark Fae magic to revel in the darkness, the night, and the barest, ephemeral touch I’m feeling from Quinn.
I feel it resonate with him, as he watches my enjoyment. I feel him finally revel, then.
As the tiniest spark blazes through my connection with him—before it flashes out.
“You are here…” I say, even as my heart grips me so hard. As everything flows brightly within me, I know how to get Quinn back now. My deepest truth-reading power blazes, as I feel certainty rush all through me.
I blow Quinn the softest kiss, then press my hand to my heart.
“I’ll be back. I won’t be long, I promise. We’re going to get you out of there. I swear to all the gods we will.”
Though I hate to leave just as we got started, I know I need Lucca’s help. I move out through the ice cathedral’s vaults, closing the door gently as I walk back through the moonlit citadel. The night is bright, the stars endless, as I feel joy flow all through me, knowing we can get Quinn back. Because Master Ilyov is wrong; Quinn’s still in there, still fighting to come home to us.
And I’ve just discovered how to get him back.
Lucca is asleep as I arrive in our ice-apartment. I hear his soft breaths as I ascend the steps to the bedroom loft, sitting on the bed. With a sleepy murmur, he pulls me in, his hands flowing over my curves though he’s still half-asleep. As I kiss his lips, Lucca pulls me in close, his lean, naked body only half-draped by the silk covers.
Smiling sweetly now—as ardor finally heats between us in the night, as if he felt what was happening with Quinn.
“Ariana… what? You’re back already?”
“I got Quinn back. It was just his eyes, and his heartbeat and breath… but still.” I cuddle in close, every part of me beaming with joy.
“You what?!” Lucca is instantly awake, even though he couldn’t have been long asleep. “You saw Quinn? My gods… is he alright?”
“I only saw his eyes,” I say as Lucca sits up now in bed. “But Quinn needs our help to come back all the way. And I think I have a plan to help him.”
“When do we start? Tonight?” Lucca asks, breathless as hope beams from him, powerful in the night. His blue eyes shine in the semi-dark, so bright they scald me with their glory.
“Tonight.” I set my palm on his heart. “But we need to move our living setup into the Moon Dome. We’re going to stay there until we get Quinn back. He needs to see our humanity; needs to watch us interact with each other and do all the human things he misses. All the human things he loves, that he built his life around for so many years. Independent of the Gold Eyes’ will, or any loftier aims with the Vampire Council.”
“All the human things he loves…” Lucca’s eyes beam as he gets it. “We surround Quinn with all the things he loves… and he remembers what love is. And that he loves us. And wants to come home.”
“That’s the idea.” I nuzzle Lucca’s nose. “And what does he love more than the two of us?”
“Besides wine, chocolates, and the rest.” Lucca jokes now in a way he hasn’t done for days. He’s up like a tiger from bed, as I feel an indomitable energy fill him. Moving to the wall, he touches an ornately carved panel of ice that shimmers in the night, a communication magic the citadel uses. He focuses his intent, to get the one person we need to help us. As a sleepy Curio comes on the line, Lucca directs him to rustle up all the wine, chocolates, and aphrodisiacs he can find.
Especially anything in the citadel made by the Red Letter Hotel Florence.
Curio’s on it. As he promises to meet us at the Moon Dome, he’s quickly gone. Setting his hand on the panel again, Lucca summons a citadel liaison assigned to us, asking the man to bring people to move our entire living quarters to the Moon Dome, tonight.
All is quickly arranged. As Lucca and I gather a few things from our new wardrobe, we’re out the door fast. It’s late now as we head back to the Moon Dome, the city quiet. Though the Revenant behind its energy barrier whirls to see us arrive, it does so with less malevolence than before. As it stares at me, then Lucca, its eyes change from red to black. Lucca stares at the creature, open-mouthed in shock.
And then the most beautiful energy fills him, beaming with powerful rainbows in the night.
“Quinn!” Lucca moves to the barrier. He raises a hand like he might touch that shimmering surface. He doesn’t, but I see Quinn’s Revenant roil now to see Lucca. Its heart beats, faster as a deep heave comes, like a breath.
And then Lucca’s striding to the furniture nearby, shoving things around to make room for us tonight.
And for the rest of our time here, until Quinn is returned to us.
Lucca and I fall asleep, watched by the red eyes of Quinn’s Revenant. We’re hopeful now, though, knowing for sure Quinn’s still in there; cuddling on our bed just outside the Revenant’s enclosure this morning, Lucca and I kiss for real, as the sun rises over the city. Both of us were up at dawn, with more energy than we’ve had in a week. We have no intentions of seeing Master Ilyov today.
Lucca having already called Curio, to keep his father away.