Page 25 of A Whole New Play

“No, I’m an only child. Mom realized her mistake after one.”

Carter shoots me a weird look, and I realize how my comment sounded.

Internally, I cringe and brace myself to explain my word choice.

But Carter moves past it like it didn’t happen. “Would you like a slice?” He gestures to the pan.

“Um… sure. Thanks.”

He nods and returns his attention to the task at hand.

I look around the kitchen. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, I’ve got this.” He lowers the heat on the stove. “How about you go introduce yourself to Abby and Andy? I already told them we were expecting you.”

Eager to have something to do other than admire his toned ass in those sweatpants, I agree, “Sounds good. Where are they?”

“Based on the shouts I heard earlier, upstairs in one of their rooms.” He looks over his shoulder and gestures to a second hallway that extends off the living room. “The stairs are that way.”

I nod and exit the kitchen without another word. I think I feel his eyes following me as I go, but I’m too much of a chicken to look over my shoulder and check. This arrangement will only work if he and I can put our brief past behind us, and I need to get a handle on myself if I’m going to successfully hide my attraction to this man.

My footsteps are quiet as I walk up the carpeted stairs. I reach the top landing and am greeted by more boxes stacked on top of each other, as well as books and toys strewn about the loft overlooking the living room below.

No shouts guide me on which way to go, but I hear sound coming from my right. So that’s the way I go.

Two doors are open. A glance through one reveals a bathroom. The second is a bedroom decorated for a little boy. Superhero sheets cover a twin-sized bed. A matching comforter is bundled on the floor. While the rest of the house looks like it’s in the process of being unpacked, this room is completely assembled. A bookshelf showcasing what I guess are favorite toys is situated in the corner of the room. A long, waist-high dresser runs along the far wall under the open window. And seated in the middle of the room on a navy blue rug is a little boy with brown, shaggy hair hovered over what looks like a LEGO car.

I tap my knuckles on the doorframe. “Hello.”

The boy looks up. I’m immediately struck by his resemblance to his father. “Hello,” he greets warily.

I remain in the doorway. “I’m Valerie. Your dad said he told you about me? You must be Andy.”

Understanding fills his adorable brown eyes. “You’re the new nanny.”


“What do you mean?”

“It depends on if you and I get along or not.”

“And if Dad likes you.”

My heart skips a beat. “Why do you say that?”

“Dad didn’t like any of our other nannies.”


I tilt my head to the side. “How many other nannies have you had?”

He looks up at the ceiling and hums, tapping his chin. “Like… eight?”

My eyes widen.


Carter’s gone through eight nannies in how long? Six months?