Page 5 of A Whole New Play

A contemplative look crosses her gorgeous face, and she stares off into the distance with a heavy sigh. “Let’s just say you aren’t the only one who could use a little fun to forget the shit they have going on back home.” There’s a sad note to the words, and I feel compelled to lighten her mood.

“Wait, you aren’t married, are you?”

She laughs and her gaze returns to mine and repeats my response back to me, “God, no.”

I could get used to that laugh.

I clear my throat. “Then it’s settled. Meet you at the center cabana at seven?”

“Seven works.”

“Great. Now, will you serve already? Our opponents are waiting?”

She rolls her eyes again. This time, though, she doesn’t fight off her smile. “Charming.”

“I am, aren’t I?”



The moon hangs high in the evening sky, and the lack of city lights and clouds makes it easy to see the stars glowing brightly. A violinist plays soft music in the corner of the restaurant sitting at the end of the wide pier, adding to the romantic ambiance surrounding me where I sit at a table covered with white linen, staring at a guy who is, arguably, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.

And the worst part?

He doesn’t seem to realize it.

I mean, CJ obviously knows he’s attractive. His confidence when asking me out confirmed as much.

But while we enjoy our delicious meal, I don’t witness a single example of arrogance or conceit. CJ asks me questions about myself, each one more thoughtful than the last, and he genuinely seems to care about my answers.

Against my better judgment, I’m enjoying myself. That is until he asks me what I do for a living.

Just like that, underlying stress and anxiety try to rear their ugly heads and ruin what is supposed to be a carefree vacation with my best friend. I hadn’t wanted to ditch Megan for dinner tonight, but she told me she and Dane made plans to grab drinks together. Knowing she wouldn’t be spending the evening alone, I felt better about following through on my promise to meet CJ for dinner. Now, though, I’m questioning if this is a good idea. I’m not great on dates on my best days, much less when I’m struggling to deal with feeling like a complete failure at my job.

“So?” CJ’s voice draws my attention back to him. Over his shoulder, I see the blushing waitress scurrying away, shooting one last admiring glance at my date as she does.

Can I even call him a date?

“So?” I repeat back to him. “Which dessert did you pick?” He’d been going over the dessert menu with our waitress for a couple of minutes before I tuned him out after ordering a scoop of lemon gelato for myself.

“The chocolate raspberry cake, of course.” His lips twitch. “But that’s not what I’m talking about. You still haven’t told me what you do for a living.”


I take a sip of white wine to give myself time to make sure my voice is even. “I’m an accountant.”

“Impressive. Where do you work?”


“I meant, what company?”

I shake my head. “No. No way.”

His brow furrows in confusion. “What?”

“I’m not giving you that information. I don’t need you trying to find me after we leave the resort?” Immediately, I cringe at how rude that sounded. I’m not trying to offend CJ, but I’m not an idiot. I know better than to give personal information out to a total stranger. For all I know, he could be a creep who stalks women. However, I doubt it. Someone as hot as CJ wouldn’t need to resort to stalking anyone.