Andy is unfazed. “Didn’t you hear me? Our new nanny is here.”
Abby glances at me as I step inside. “Hi.” She goes back to reading her book.
“Hi,” I return, doing my best not to show how awkward the dismissive greeting makes me feel. I’m an adult for goodness sake. I should be immune to a six-year-old’s attitude. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too.” She turns the page of her book.
“Come on, Abby,” Andy groans. “Stop reading and come play with us.” He skips over to his sister and attempts to rip the book out of her hands.
“Andy! Stop!” She shrieks.
“Hey, now.” I step forward and gently place my hand on Andy’s shoulder. He immediately releases the book and steps back.
Wow… that was easy.
I clear my throat and add, “Abby doesn’t have to stop reading. I just wanted to say hello.”
The little girl clutches the book desperately to her chest. She casts me a short, appreciative look before scowling at her brother. “Yeah. I don’t have to stop. So leave me alone.”
“But I’m bored,” Andy wines. “You’re my only friend here.”
My heart squeezes.
Abby sighs. “Fine. I’ll play with you later.”
Andy straightens. “Promise?”
“Promise.” She reopens her book and flips to whatever page she’d been on. “Now, let me finish this section. I’m learning about amphibians.”
“Okay, Abby.” Andy is all smiles as he grabs my hand and hops out of the room, dragging me with him. “Come on, Valerie. I’ll show you my fort in the backyard in the meantime.”
“That sounds fun.” I let him lead me through the door but look over my shoulder to say goodbye to Abby to find her watching us. I hide my smile. I bet she’ll be down to join us within half an hour. “See you later, Abby.”
She ducks her head. “See you later,” she mumbles.
Andy talks about the latest superhero cartoon show he’s watching as we walk downstairs.
Carter is looking our way when we reach the kitchen. “So, how did it go?” he asks me.
“Too early to tell,” I reply.
“What are you talking about?” Andy looks between us.
“Nothing,” both Carter and I say at the same time.
Carter looks at me. “Do you need more time to decide?”
I purse my lips in thought, then admit, “Honestly, I think we should just do a trial run for a week or two. We won’t know if I’m a good fit until I actually do the job.
Sensing our conversation isn’t going to be quick, Andy drops my hand. I watch him walk into the living room and throw himself on the cozy-looking couch, pulling another action figure from between the cushions.
“Fair enough.” I look back at Carter and see him nod. “Should we talk about your pay? Do you have a rate in mind?”
“I do.” I may not have planned on taking this sort of job, but once it was presented to me, I made sure to do my research about competitive rates. “Since I haven’t been a nanny in a few years, I’d say twenty dollars an hour during the work week and twenty-five dollars an hour on weekends.”
Carter blinks. “That’s it?”
I tilt my head to the side. “Should I ask for more?”