“How about this, let’s do a trial run. You can meet the kids. If you get along, we can discuss hours and pay and all that.” With any luck, she and the twins won’t be a good fit, and we’ll be able to tell her dad that’s the reason she can’t be my nanny. He never has to know all the ways she used my body for her pleasure and rode my di?—
“Are you sure?” Valerie interrupts my errant thoughts. She eyes me warily. Once again, her words feel like a challenge.
If Valerie can be unaffected by the thought of working for me even after our night together, then why can’t I feel the same?
Maybe I’m the only one who felt the connection...
Maybe I made it all up in my head...
Besides, Coach thinks he’s helping me, and I need to perform this year. I can’t be distracted. If Valerie can be a reliable nanny and take care of the twins, that will take a huge weight off my shoulders.
“Yeah.” I nod. “I’m sure.”
Her arms fall to her side. “Okay... cool.” She shifts her weight, uncertain. “So...when do you want me to meet your kids?”
“How about tomorrow morning?” It’s one of the few Saturdays I’ll have off for a while.
“Tomorrow works.”
“Great. Do you have your phone on you to take down my number?”
Since you disappeared before I could give it to you after our night together...
“Yup.” She takes her phone from her purse and hands it to me.
I type in my number and hit the call button before immediately ending the call. “There. I’ll text you the address later today.”
“Okay.” She takes her phone and tucks it back in her purse. “What time do you want me there so I can plan my day?”
Does she have plans with a boyfriend or something?
Knock it off, Carter. Don’t be pathetic.
“Does nine work?”
She nods. “Sure.”
“Great.” I turn to leave, then remember something else. “Oh, be sure to bring your own coffee. I don’t touch the stuff.”
“What?” She blinks. “Really? Who doesn’t drink coffee.”
I know she means the words as a joke, but I’m unable to stop myself from saying. “Yeah, really. You’d know I don’t drink coffee if you’d bothered to stick around in the morning.”
Her lips part in surprise.
I bite the inside of my cheek and walk away before I can say anything else.
If this nanny thing is going to work out, I need to put the memories of our night together in the past. I can’t let her know how much it stung to be ghosted in the middle of the night like that. And I can’t let her know how often I think about our time together.
I’m Carter Jones.
I’m known as a good-natured and laid-back guy.
I don’t get hung up on women, and I certainly don’t pine after ones who want nothing to do with me.
Especially not when that woman is my favorite coach’s daughter.
Ah, hell.