Page 2 of A Whole New Play

And just like that, years of being outgoing and friendly have me lifting a hand in greeting.

“Hey, ladies. Mind if we join you for a game?” I stop my approach at the end of the net, sure to keep my distance to not creep them out. Dane stops next to me.

The friends exchange a loaded glance.

Then, the brunette clears her throat and says, “Um, sure… That’s fine.”

I smile. “Great! I’m CJ.” I step forward and hold out my hand, ignoring Dane’s snort at my choice not to give the woman my full first name.

I have no idea if these women pay attention to professional football, but I’m not willing to risk them recognizing my name and then having word spread through the resort that I’m here. Like I said, I’m here to relax. I don’t want to be bombarded by fans or have my every move posted on other vacationers’ social media accounts.

The brunette shakes my hand. “I’m Megan. This is Valerie.” She motions to her friend. For the first time since we approached, I let my gaze wander to the woman who caught my attention, and I am immediately ensnared by a pair of stunning green eyes.

Sweat glistens on her forehead, and her face is free of makeup. Her tan skin is flawless, and her figure is tall and slim but curved in all the right places. My pulse quickens. I can’t remember the last time I was this attracted to someone. I tell myself that’s because I haven’t gotten laid in so long, but I don’t think that’s it.

This stranger is one of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen—if not the most beautiful. When she reaches out to shake my hand, sparks shoot up and down my arm.

“I’m CJ,” I tell her, too distracted by her beauty to be embarrassed by how husky my voice sounds.

“Valerie.” The raspy note in her voice makes me think of limbs tangled in bedsheets, sexy moans, and sweaty skin.

Remembering that my mother raised a gentleman, I force those illicit thoughts aside and release her hand. I open and close my fists, trying to clear away the lingering sparks from her touch.

Dane introduces himself, and I’m notably pleased when Valerie shows him the same interest as she did me. Which is none.

“Should we split teams?” Megan asks, looking pointedly between Dane and me. “You’ll have an unfair height advantage if you’re on the same team.”

“That’s fine,” Dane relents.

“Cool. You’re on my team,” Megan declares. “Valerie, you’re with CJ.” I almost miss the wink she shoots her friend, but it’s impossible to miss the resulting blush on the beauty’s cheeks.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe Valerie is interested in me.

Determined to play it cool, I school my features to hide my pleasure and roll back my shoulders. “Sounds good. You guys can serve first.”

“Great. First team to eleven wins.” Megan ducks under the net to take position on the other side of the court. Dane follows.

I back up to the blue nylon line staked into the sand, marking the baseline. From this position, I should be able to track and intercept serves to the back of the court. Valerie shifts so she’s in the middle of the court. Then, she turns and looks at me with a sheepish expression.

“I’ve got to warn you, I’m not very good.”

I know… I saw.

“That’s alright.” I shoot her a confident grin. “I’m pretty athletic.”

Her lips twitch and her eyes dart quickly over my body. “Really? I couldn’t tell.”

“You wound me.”

“Something tells me you’ll get over it.” She turns back around and leans forward, preparing for the incoming serve. It takes all my self-control not to stare at her ass and focus on her friend on the other side of the net.

Megan tosses the ball in the air and smacks it hard. The ball flies an inch over the net and descends, heading right for Valerie.

My teammate bumps the ball in the air, and I am quick to sprint over to hit it back over the net.

Morgan intercepts it with a bump, and Dane spikes it.