By the time we reach the end of the pier, I still haven’t found the words to tell CJ I want to continue our date. The sidewalk ahead veers in three different directions. Straight ahead is the poolside bar that’s still open. To the left is a walkway that takes you along the beach, and the walkway to the right leads to the casitas where resort guests stay.
I chew my bottom lip and look at each path, anxiously trying to figure out how to get over my damn insecurities and ask for what I want!
“Thank you for joining me for dinner,” CJ’s deep voice penetrates my whirling mind.
I turn my neck and tilt my head back slightly to meet his gaze. The wind whips my sundress around my legs as I take in the shadows on his handsome face, cast by the soft glow of the lights alongside the pier.
“Thank you for inviting me. I had a nice time.”
His lips tilt up into a sheepish grin. “Even though I told you to quit your job?”
He’s smiling! That’s a good sign.
“Yes,” I tell him, returning his grin. “I enjoyed talking to you.”
“Good.” His smile widens. “I enjoyed talking to you, too.”
My stomach flutters. How can someone so good-looking be so nice at the same time?
At least, he seems nice.
I remind myself I don’t know CJ. We’ve talked all night, but he’s still a stranger.
A stranger you wouldn’t mind getting into bed…
A couple approaches the pier from the walkway to our right. The older man walks with his arm wrapped around his partner’s shoulder, and one of the white-haired woman’s hands rests on his chest where she’s burrowed into his side.
CJ gently takes my elbow and guides me towards the wood railing to allow them to pass. I smile politely as they walk by, admiring their easy affection as they walk to the restaurant at the end of the pier. I have no idea if the couple has been together for decades, years, months, or weeks, but I’d like to think they’re here celebrating a milestone anniversary.
It’s nice to see evidence that marriage and love can last—that my parents’ story isn’t the only example I can look to when imagining what my own future may one day hold.
“Can I be honest for a second?” CJ asks, drawing my attention away from the retreating couple.
I meet his stare and note his uncertain expression. “Of course.”
“I like you.”
Butterflies flutter in my stomach. I pinch my lips together to try and contain my excitement. “I like you, too.”
“And I don’t want this evening to end just yet,” he adds in a rush, running a hand through his wavy brown hair.
My smile breaks free. “I feel the same.”
Relief floods his features, followed by a smile that looks extra bright despite being half-shadowed. “Great. How about we grab a drink at the poolside bar and have some fun? Just for one night.”
There are so many reasons I should say no.
CJ is a stranger. I’ve already told him more about myself than I ever intended. And he’s so freaking hot that I fear one night with him will be enough to ruin all other men for me for the rest of my life.
But when he looks at me with that all-American boy smile and the sheepish hope in his chocolate brown eyes, I throw all caution to the wind.
“Sure,” I shoot him a flirty wink. “I could use some fun.”
Lips crash together as I stumble into my dark casita with Valerie in my arms. One hand is wrapped around her back, pressing her sexy body into mine, while the other slaps against the wall, searching for the light switch.