She hadn’t mentioned that she would be attending, but there she was with her redheaded friend, laughing around a yawn that made me smile, knowing I was the reason she was tired. I looked away before Lena followed my gaze, but I’d done it a moment too late.

“Lucy!” Lena spotted her and took off across the park as if she was being chased. “Lucy, you’re here! I’m a princess!”

I got to my feet and ambled over to the women, uncertain if I was happy Lena had spotted her or not. I had no plans to chase Lucy, but I couldn’t deny that I’d been unable to stop thinking about her all morning. Or maybe my ego was stung that she’d woken up and slipped out of the house before breakfast, at least I thought she had.


She turned to me. “Daddy, it’s Lucy. This is her friend Toni.”

“I see.” My lips curled into a grin at her grown up introduction. “Good afternoon, ladies.”

“Fancy meetin’ you here,” Toni said with an amused grin.

“Lena loves all things princess.”

“So I hear,” she answered and leaned back, sliding her sunglasses over her eyes. “Have a seat. We have plenty of room and plenty of food.”

I looked over my shoulder. “We’re already set up over there…” It was a lame response, and if Lucy heard it, she didn’t acknowledge it. Or maybe she didn’t care.

Toni laughed again. “Too bad you can’t move it over here since you nailed it down.”

Lena turned from her spot pressed against Lucy’s side and gasped loudly. “You did Daddy?”

“No honey, Toni is being a smart as-…, ah she’s being a smarty pants.”

“Oh.” She giggled and turned back to Lucy, both females whispered to each other themselves as they pointed to the stage.

Knowing when I was beat, I went to retrieve our blanket and basket and returned to the women, taking the spot on the other side of Lucy. The moment Lena turned her attention to Toni who’d complimented her tiara, I leaned in close. “Say the word and we’ll find another spot elsewhere. This is your day off, after all.”

Lucy turned to me, we were so close I could see the depths of the blue of her eyes, much better under the Texas sun than last night under the moon and starlight. “I don’t mind. Stay. What’s in your basket.”

I laughed. “Oh I see, you only want me around for my picnic basket.”

She shrugged. “Depends on what’s in the basket.” She arched a brow and smiled playfully. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

It was my turn to arch my brows. “Thought we did that already.”

Her cheeks flamed bright red and she looked away before she turned back to me. “We did,” she whispered. “And you already know what’s in my basket, now I want to see what’s in yours.”

She licked her lips and my body responded to the unintentionally sexy move. “Touché,” I groaned and drew a laugh from the hot nanny.

Lena tapped her arm and Lucy gave my little girl her full attention while she had mine. For the rest of the afternoon I watched Lucy instead of the actors on the stage, instead of the blue skies above. I couldn’t look away because she was breathtaking and even though last night was a one off, an event that would never be repeated.

Even though I desperately wanted her again.

Even though I was already thinking of ways to get her alone to take my time, to draw out the pleasure for both of us.

By the end of the play I was certain of just one thing.

I was out of my damn mind.

Chapter 21


“You’ve been keeping secrets little miss sunshine.”

Toni’s eyes were filled with mischief as she leaned across the table at our favorite diner on the outskirts of town and wiggled her eyebrows.